We are excited you want to view the inauguration of Emmanuel College's ninth president, Ron White, Ed.D.
In order to view this archived event Click Here and you will be connected to the website.
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Look under the image. If the ON DEMAND tab is not already selected, please click on ON DEMAND.
You will see the event called "Presidential Inauguration."
On the far right of that listing, click the rectangular screen icon.
Editor's hint: In order to bypass the extended organ music that precedes the main event, you can look at the bottom left and slide the bar to your right that will enable you to see the beginning of the processional of the academic community with their robes and hoods. You will be able to see many of the people you know standing or sitting in the chairs. Of course, in most cases you will view them as they face the platform.
In order to view this archived event Click Here and you will be connected to the website.
You will be taken to another page.
Look under the image. If the ON DEMAND tab is not already selected, please click on ON DEMAND.
You will see the event called "Presidential Inauguration."
On the far right of that listing, click the rectangular screen icon.
Editor's hint: In order to bypass the extended organ music that precedes the main event, you can look at the bottom left and slide the bar to your right that will enable you to see the beginning of the processional of the academic community with their robes and hoods. You will be able to see many of the people you know standing or sitting in the chairs. Of course, in most cases you will view them as they face the platform.