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Your financial support enables us to continue the ministry of spreading the Gospel, teaching Scriptural holiness and the deeper truths of the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit, as well as the life led and energized by the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to keep you abreast of the latest fast-breaking news, take your prayer requests, and publish testimonies of God's healing power in today's world.
Hugh’s News, Inc. is incorporated with the Georgia Secretary of State as a non-profit corporation. Your support for this ministry is appreciated. Please consult with your tax adviser about deductibility of any payments you make to Hugh’s News, Inc.
You may also send your contribution by mail to: Hugh's News, Inc. PO Box 959 Watkinsville Ga. 30677.
Please make checks payable to Hugh's News, Inc., not Hugh Morgan. Thank you!
Hugh’s News, Inc. is incorporated with the Georgia Secretary of State as a non-profit corporation. Your support for this ministry is appreciated. Please consult with your tax adviser about deductibility of any payments you make to Hugh’s News, Inc.
You may also send your contribution by mail to: Hugh's News, Inc. PO Box 959 Watkinsville Ga. 30677.
Please make checks payable to Hugh's News, Inc., not Hugh Morgan. Thank you!
Your financial support keeps Hugh's News viable. We enjoy a 501 (C) (3) IRS Tax Exempt Status that may enable you to get a tax break when filing your Federal Income tax Return.