If you have been a subscriber very long you will know that I love to quote benedictions. Pronouncing benedictions or blessings has been a trademark of my ministry. Over more than 59 years of ministry I have devoted a lot of time memorizing benedictions of the Bible. I memorized an Irish Benediction that many people have loved to hear me quote it at the close of a worship service in the Air Force Chaplaincy or in my civilian pastorates in Pentecostal Holiness Churches.
You will thrill at the lovely voice of Roma Downey as she reads the Irish Benediction. It is one that I have not memorized, but I will commit to memory. I just need to copy it down on paper.
You may Click Here on this hyperlink I have prepared for you so you can enjoy this video. I want to thank Gay Shepherd for sending this website link of beautiful Ireland to me. She is just wonderful in sharing with me such beautiful pictures. She and Frank reside in Elon, NC. They are members of our Burlington church.
As the piece starts, the pictures of Ireland are amazing, but wait until you get to the spoken part. It's beautiful, and you don't have to be Irish to enjoy it!
May God's blessings be upon you and your family.
You will thrill at the lovely voice of Roma Downey as she reads the Irish Benediction. It is one that I have not memorized, but I will commit to memory. I just need to copy it down on paper.
You may Click Here on this hyperlink I have prepared for you so you can enjoy this video. I want to thank Gay Shepherd for sending this website link of beautiful Ireland to me. She is just wonderful in sharing with me such beautiful pictures. She and Frank reside in Elon, NC. They are members of our Burlington church.
As the piece starts, the pictures of Ireland are amazing, but wait until you get to the spoken part. It's beautiful, and you don't have to be Irish to enjoy it!
May God's blessings be upon you and your family.