The tide turned today, Wednesday, September 28, 2016. When I came to my office and looked at my email, I had received an email from Maxine and Richard Waters from Greenville, SC. Dr. Richard Waters served as the President of Holmes Bible College for a number of years. I met them when I was president of Southwestern College. Dr. Richard Waters taught in our School of Christian Ministries, and Maxine worked in the General Superintendent's Office at Headquarters. What an uplifting email Maxine wrote: "Just to let you know Richard and I are giving $6 for each of us to vote and $24 for operations or whatever you may need.
We look forward to receiving Hugh's News every day. May God continue to bless you and Melvine abundantly."
Richard and Maxine
That email was followed by a notification of their gift of $30 via a credit card for Hugh's News, Inc.
It's amazing what an email and a subsequent contribution can make.
When the mail came today, there were six (6) letters from my subscribers with the suggested $3 to vote plus extra to help me with operating expenses. PTL!
What a difference a day makes!
We look forward to receiving Hugh's News every day. May God continue to bless you and Melvine abundantly."
Richard and Maxine
That email was followed by a notification of their gift of $30 via a credit card for Hugh's News, Inc.
It's amazing what an email and a subsequent contribution can make.
When the mail came today, there were six (6) letters from my subscribers with the suggested $3 to vote plus extra to help me with operating expenses. PTL!
What a difference a day makes!