Presiding Bishop Doug and Susan Beacham returned Saturday night from a week vacation where their children and grandchildren joined them in celebrating their 44th Wedding Anniversary (September 2nd). Bishop Beacham said, "We have been so blessed as a family and by the Lord’s grace to us through IPHC."

Former Presiding Bishop Leon O. Stewart and his bride, Miss Donna, celebrated their 64 Wedding Anniversary on Monday (Labor Day 2016), September 5, 2016. Bishop Stewart said, "God has truly blessed Donna with a wonderful marriage. We are grateful for all God has done for us."
[Editor's comment: I am the one who is greatly blessed in getting to know these two outstanding church leaders and their wives. Join with me in wishing the Beachams and Stewarts belated Wedding Anniversaries. The Stewarts have been married 64 years, and the Beachams have been married 44 years. What role models their provide for us in long and lasting marriages.]
[Editor's comment: I am the one who is greatly blessed in getting to know these two outstanding church leaders and their wives. Join with me in wishing the Beachams and Stewarts belated Wedding Anniversaries. The Stewarts have been married 64 years, and the Beachams have been married 44 years. What role models their provide for us in long and lasting marriages.]