Dr. Morgan is starting a new series of personal testimonies of when people first were saved. I am happy to re-live my story and write about it for Hugh's News.
My father, the latr Rev. Dr. Robert L. Rex was a noted preacher, pastor and church official of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. Therefore, all my life I thought I was born a Christian.
I remember going to Dad’s brush arbor meetings around Oklahoma City establishing churches. This was in the 1930s.
I remember going on my Uncle Sam Jones flatbed truck with about 20 others as we traveled some ten miles to the Union Grove brush arbor meeting…
every night for weeks.
They have a great church out there now.
I grew up in the establishing of PH Churches. I can remember the Central Church when it had a sawdust floor and a barrel in the middle for heat. I can remember when they brought Rev. Charley North as Pastor.
Because of my Polio, Dad was assigned a church and he became the Pastor of the Enid PH Church in 1937, and stayed 7 years and Oral Roberts followed him.
I say all this to show you how and why I FELT being SAVED was just automatic.
I didn’t need to answer any altar call…
I was a Christian…
mom and dad were Christians…
and I went to Church . . .yes . . . I was a Christian…
At Enid we had a great SS Class when I was 12-13. Our teacher was…Hazel Crabb…
Why do I remember her name???? . . .
because she had such a great influence in my life.
She was a tall lady….maybe 6’2” and probably weighed 200+ pounds . . . she COMMANDED your attention…
She loved us…
each one…
each thought we were her child.
She began to teach about personal salvation…confessing your sins . . . and she named some that I remembered…. After several Sundays of Miss Hazel, I thought I was the most wicked kid in the class…
and every kid felt the same way . . .WOW . . . .
Then she MADE us ALL kneel….she led us in a sinner’s prayer….and drug all my misdeeds….yes sins… to our minds….
then she gave the answer….
my personal confession…
and accepting Christ in my life….
and in my HEART…
to lead me daily…
with my devotion to Him…
and PROMISED TO follow Him daily….WOW….
I got it….
Still got it at 87….
He leads me and guides me Daily….opens doors to witness…and gives me ideas how to spread His Divine Love around the world.
[Editor's Comment: I felt led of the Lord to ask Dr. Lonnie Rex, my long time friend since 1954 when I met him at the National Pentecostal Holiness Church in Washington, DC, to share his personal testimony with you and me in Hugh's News about how he became a Christian. He will be writing about other events since he gave his heart and life to Jesus Christ. Later, I hope to get others to do the same. It is important to tell our story about how we became Christians.]
My father, the latr Rev. Dr. Robert L. Rex was a noted preacher, pastor and church official of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. Therefore, all my life I thought I was born a Christian.
I remember going to Dad’s brush arbor meetings around Oklahoma City establishing churches. This was in the 1930s.
I remember going on my Uncle Sam Jones flatbed truck with about 20 others as we traveled some ten miles to the Union Grove brush arbor meeting…
every night for weeks.
They have a great church out there now.
I grew up in the establishing of PH Churches. I can remember the Central Church when it had a sawdust floor and a barrel in the middle for heat. I can remember when they brought Rev. Charley North as Pastor.
Because of my Polio, Dad was assigned a church and he became the Pastor of the Enid PH Church in 1937, and stayed 7 years and Oral Roberts followed him.
I say all this to show you how and why I FELT being SAVED was just automatic.
I didn’t need to answer any altar call…
I was a Christian…
mom and dad were Christians…
and I went to Church . . .yes . . . I was a Christian…
At Enid we had a great SS Class when I was 12-13. Our teacher was…Hazel Crabb…
Why do I remember her name???? . . .
because she had such a great influence in my life.
She was a tall lady….maybe 6’2” and probably weighed 200+ pounds . . . she COMMANDED your attention…
She loved us…
each one…
each thought we were her child.
She began to teach about personal salvation…confessing your sins . . . and she named some that I remembered…. After several Sundays of Miss Hazel, I thought I was the most wicked kid in the class…
and every kid felt the same way . . .WOW . . . .
Then she MADE us ALL kneel….she led us in a sinner’s prayer….and drug all my misdeeds….yes sins… to our minds….
then she gave the answer….
my personal confession…
and accepting Christ in my life….
and in my HEART…
to lead me daily…
with my devotion to Him…
and PROMISED TO follow Him daily….WOW….
I got it….
Still got it at 87….
He leads me and guides me Daily….opens doors to witness…and gives me ideas how to spread His Divine Love around the world.
[Editor's Comment: I felt led of the Lord to ask Dr. Lonnie Rex, my long time friend since 1954 when I met him at the National Pentecostal Holiness Church in Washington, DC, to share his personal testimony with you and me in Hugh's News about how he became a Christian. He will be writing about other events since he gave his heart and life to Jesus Christ. Later, I hope to get others to do the same. It is important to tell our story about how we became Christians.]