As the editor of Hugh's News, Inc. I am declaring the Month of October the "Forward Month."
It is my belief that you know three friends, relatives, associates and neighbors you would like to receive Hugh's News. You have a circle of influence with those close to you that no one else has. So many have shared with me during our voting month in September that they enjoy reading Hugh's News, and they are receiving news about the IPHC and the Body of Christ they are not getting anywhere else.
You can help me spread the good news. Some have said Hugh's News is the best kept secret in the IPHC. It will remain a secret to a select few if you and others do not share it by informing others the value of this electronic newsletter that is so meaningful to you.
My webmaster, Mel Tinney of Pepin, WI, has written a program for you to forward Hugh's News. It is located at the top of every newsletter. Here is how it reads: Forward Hugh's News to a friend. If you will Click on that icon, you can easily forward an entire issue to a friend or relative by giving your name and email address, and the email address of the person you want to receive it. It has a space for you to write a brief message about Hugh's News. It is easy, and it will maintain the integrity of your email connection via your free subscription to Hugh's News.
I need your help, and I want to thank you in advance for sending a forward to at least three people in the month of October. October is Forward Month.
It is my belief that you know three friends, relatives, associates and neighbors you would like to receive Hugh's News. You have a circle of influence with those close to you that no one else has. So many have shared with me during our voting month in September that they enjoy reading Hugh's News, and they are receiving news about the IPHC and the Body of Christ they are not getting anywhere else.
You can help me spread the good news. Some have said Hugh's News is the best kept secret in the IPHC. It will remain a secret to a select few if you and others do not share it by informing others the value of this electronic newsletter that is so meaningful to you.
My webmaster, Mel Tinney of Pepin, WI, has written a program for you to forward Hugh's News. It is located at the top of every newsletter. Here is how it reads: Forward Hugh's News to a friend. If you will Click on that icon, you can easily forward an entire issue to a friend or relative by giving your name and email address, and the email address of the person you want to receive it. It has a space for you to write a brief message about Hugh's News. It is easy, and it will maintain the integrity of your email connection via your free subscription to Hugh's News.
I need your help, and I want to thank you in advance for sending a forward to at least three people in the month of October. October is Forward Month.