There are many examples of men of vision or the lack of it in the Bible. One that comes to mind who seemed to lack vision was Philip whom Jesus found. He may have lacked initiative to come to our Lord on his own. We are not told. However, he was available to accept an invitation from Jesus.
Philip seemed to be an ordinary kind of guy, at times actually in over his head. When Jesus asked him about feeding the five thousand men, notwithstanding the women and children, his answer was that there was very little money on hand, not even enough to buy a small amount of food to feed each one (John 6:5-7).
Philip saw only how little there was. Too often, this scenario is true of us. Our vision is limited. We, too, see what is visible to our natural eyes. But God has made us of better stuff. We are made in the image of God, and He has given us creative minds to see beyond what the physical eyes can only see.
When I became director/endorser of Chaplains Ministries, IPHC, the first thing I saw was a very limited budget, and for me, it was like a shoe string budget with no wiggle room and not much hope of anything better. I knew in my heart that God’s resources are unlimited. He can do immeasurably more than all we could ever hope for, imagine, or ask for (Ephesian 3:20).
I knew I has to something. I couldn’t sit at home, fold my hands and ask God to meet the needs we had to do great things for God. Prayer is the first thing to do, but there comes a time when we must stop praying and start acting.
Melvine and I were visiting Army Chaplain (Captain) Greg Lewis and his family where he was stationed at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, NC. We got there in time to attend the Sunday night worship service at Northwood Temple. Pastor John Hedgepeth saw me in the congregation and asked me to speak on behalf of Chaplains Ministries. He had a number of military families and singles attending his church.
From my brief speech about adopting a chaplain, God spoke to Jack Kelley about Chaplains Ministries and he adopted Greg Lewis and his family as his chaplain. He gave monthly to Chaplains Ministries. That was a start in the right direction,
In addition, God moved upon Jack Kelley to partner with Chaplains Ministries each month by sending a leadership cassette tape from John Maxwell every month for our active duty chaplains. What a blessing that monthly gift was to our chaplains.
My vision increased because of the vision of Jack Kelley who at that time was the Director of Men’s Ministries. In spite of a lack of funds from the general church, God spoke to laymen and pastors who supported our ministry to the IPHC chaplains. Pastor Dereck Gardner who pastored in West Columbia, SC, placed Chaplains Ministries in his church budget and did so for several years.
May God grant you a vision for the financial needs your church or ministry might have, and allow Him to give you creative ways to support the mission God has given you to do.
Philip seemed to be an ordinary kind of guy, at times actually in over his head. When Jesus asked him about feeding the five thousand men, notwithstanding the women and children, his answer was that there was very little money on hand, not even enough to buy a small amount of food to feed each one (John 6:5-7).
Philip saw only how little there was. Too often, this scenario is true of us. Our vision is limited. We, too, see what is visible to our natural eyes. But God has made us of better stuff. We are made in the image of God, and He has given us creative minds to see beyond what the physical eyes can only see.
When I became director/endorser of Chaplains Ministries, IPHC, the first thing I saw was a very limited budget, and for me, it was like a shoe string budget with no wiggle room and not much hope of anything better. I knew in my heart that God’s resources are unlimited. He can do immeasurably more than all we could ever hope for, imagine, or ask for (Ephesian 3:20).
I knew I has to something. I couldn’t sit at home, fold my hands and ask God to meet the needs we had to do great things for God. Prayer is the first thing to do, but there comes a time when we must stop praying and start acting.
Melvine and I were visiting Army Chaplain (Captain) Greg Lewis and his family where he was stationed at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, NC. We got there in time to attend the Sunday night worship service at Northwood Temple. Pastor John Hedgepeth saw me in the congregation and asked me to speak on behalf of Chaplains Ministries. He had a number of military families and singles attending his church.
From my brief speech about adopting a chaplain, God spoke to Jack Kelley about Chaplains Ministries and he adopted Greg Lewis and his family as his chaplain. He gave monthly to Chaplains Ministries. That was a start in the right direction,
In addition, God moved upon Jack Kelley to partner with Chaplains Ministries each month by sending a leadership cassette tape from John Maxwell every month for our active duty chaplains. What a blessing that monthly gift was to our chaplains.
My vision increased because of the vision of Jack Kelley who at that time was the Director of Men’s Ministries. In spite of a lack of funds from the general church, God spoke to laymen and pastors who supported our ministry to the IPHC chaplains. Pastor Dereck Gardner who pastored in West Columbia, SC, placed Chaplains Ministries in his church budget and did so for several years.
May God grant you a vision for the financial needs your church or ministry might have, and allow Him to give you creative ways to support the mission God has given you to do.