Dr. David Jeremiah's latest book, Agents of the Apocalypse, is the study guide for a new series of Bible studies on Sunday mornings, at 10 o'clock at Christian Life Worship Center in Athens, GA. The church is located at 125 Kathwood Drive, one mile north of the Athens Perimeter just off US Highway 129.
The Celebration Class is a cross generational gathering of various ages of adults that meets on Sunday mornings to celebrate Jesus and study God's Holy Word, the Bible. Lavon and Arlette Revells are the teachers or facilitators. There is never a dull moment and they know how to get class members involved in the discussion of the subject material.
This study of the Book of Revelation is the talk of thousands of churches who are involved in this study done by Dr. David Jeremiah.
In Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah does what no prophecy expert has done before. He explores the Book of Revelation through the lens of its major players--the exiled, the martyrs, the elders, the victor, the king, the judge, the 144,000, the witnesses, the false prophet, and the beast.
One by one, Dr. Jeremiah delves into their individual personalities and motives, and the role that each plays in Biblical prophecy. Then he provides readers with the critical clues and information needed to recognize their presence and power in the world today.
Lavon and Arlette Revells extend a personal invitation to you to attend the Celebration Class this Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Today, Arlette will be leading us as our facilitator. She is dynamic and makes any lesson come alive.
The class meets on the lower level of our educational wing of Christian Life Worship Center, in a classroom known as Stephanie's Place, named in loving memory of the life and legacy of Stephanie Ellen Morgan a dedicated educator during her adult life. You may enter the classroom from the parking lot to the right of the rose garden.
Let me share with you a video on YouTube that introduces this study series in the Book of Revelation. Click Here to see this introduction narrated by Dr. David Jeremiah.
Melvine and I are members of this Sunday school class, and we invite you to join with us and many others who enjoy this Bible study class.
We want you to stay for church after Sunday school. Our morning worship service begins at 11 o'clock. We are thrilled with our new pastor and his family. Our pastor is the Rev. Mr. Brad Cooper. You will love his preaching. He is an excellent preacher and keeps the congregaton hanging on to every word while sitting on the edge of the pew. Come and bring a friend, loved one, or business associate.
The Celebration Class is a cross generational gathering of various ages of adults that meets on Sunday mornings to celebrate Jesus and study God's Holy Word, the Bible. Lavon and Arlette Revells are the teachers or facilitators. There is never a dull moment and they know how to get class members involved in the discussion of the subject material.
This study of the Book of Revelation is the talk of thousands of churches who are involved in this study done by Dr. David Jeremiah.
In Agents of the Apocalypse, noted prophecy expert Dr. David Jeremiah does what no prophecy expert has done before. He explores the Book of Revelation through the lens of its major players--the exiled, the martyrs, the elders, the victor, the king, the judge, the 144,000, the witnesses, the false prophet, and the beast.
One by one, Dr. Jeremiah delves into their individual personalities and motives, and the role that each plays in Biblical prophecy. Then he provides readers with the critical clues and information needed to recognize their presence and power in the world today.
Lavon and Arlette Revells extend a personal invitation to you to attend the Celebration Class this Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Today, Arlette will be leading us as our facilitator. She is dynamic and makes any lesson come alive.
The class meets on the lower level of our educational wing of Christian Life Worship Center, in a classroom known as Stephanie's Place, named in loving memory of the life and legacy of Stephanie Ellen Morgan a dedicated educator during her adult life. You may enter the classroom from the parking lot to the right of the rose garden.
Let me share with you a video on YouTube that introduces this study series in the Book of Revelation. Click Here to see this introduction narrated by Dr. David Jeremiah.
Melvine and I are members of this Sunday school class, and we invite you to join with us and many others who enjoy this Bible study class.
We want you to stay for church after Sunday school. Our morning worship service begins at 11 o'clock. We are thrilled with our new pastor and his family. Our pastor is the Rev. Mr. Brad Cooper. You will love his preaching. He is an excellent preacher and keeps the congregaton hanging on to every word while sitting on the edge of the pew. Come and bring a friend, loved one, or business associate.