The Booth Brothers will be in concert at Kingsway Christian Center in Baltimore, MD, this Friday at 7 p. m.
The people in the Baltimore/Washington DC area are in for a treat of a lifetime when they experience a live concert in the best of Southern Gospel Singing. The Booth Brothers will be singing at Kingsway Christian Center, this Friday evening, October 9 at 7 o'clock.
The Booth Brothers are the best in Southern Gospel Singing. They have a sound, harmony and blending of voices unlike any other group you have ever heard. Their arrangements are out of this world, and they are master musicians who love Jesus and the Gospel message.
To listen to this amazing group of men sing I have made you a hyperlink of them singing at the Tent Revival. Click Here to see and hear them sing "In Christ Alone." You may select from several titles of songs that you will find on this website. You will love it.
There is no doubt about it they are the premier award-winning Gospel musicians of our day.
Pastor Wyatt Cook has asked me to help him and his church promote this concert. What a wonderful facility they have there in Baltimore to host such gifted gospel singers. Every seat is a good one and they are comfortable with lots of leg room.
Kingsway Christian Center is a Pentecostal Holiness Church.
The Booth Brothers will be there in concert on Friday evening, October 9, 2015, at 7 o'clock. This will be their first time in this area of our nation. Doors will open at 6 p m. Although this is a large church with a balcony, I would encourage you to come early to get a good seat.
Kingsway Christian Center is located at 7403 Gum Spring Road, Baltimore, MD, 21237 in the Rosedale area.
A love offering will be received. Tickets for their concerts usually average $25 to $30 each.
Talk it up, tell somebody you know who loves good Gospel music, invite them to come with you. If I were near by, even in Richmond, VA, I would make my way there and get a seat close to the platform or stage.
Here are the directions to the church:
Directions to Kingsway Christian Center – 7403 Gum Spring Road, Baltimore, MD 21237
From points south of Baltimore:
I-95 North to exit for I-695 West (right exit – 2 lanes – stay in left lane toward Towson)
Take Exit 32B (Bel Air Road – Route 1) on I-695 West (1st exit on 695 – stay in right lane)
Pass through flashing light to second light at Rossville Blvd. – Turn right in front of McDonald’s
Pass through two traffic lights on Rossville Blvd.
Take 2nd right onto Gum Spring Road – follow Gum Spring to dead end and into parking lot
From points north of Baltimore:
I-95 South to I-695 (past exit for White Marsh #43 – next exit is I-695 West)
I-695 West to first exit 32B (Bel Air Road – Route 1) on I-695 West – stay in right lane
Pass through flashing light to second light at Rossville Blvd. – Turn right in front of McDonald’s
Pass through two traffic lights on Rossville Blvd.
Take 2nd right onto Gum Spring Road – follow Gum Spring to dead end and into parking lot
[The editor is grateful to Janice Robinson Russ for these directions. She is one of the most resourceful persons I know. Thank you, Janice.]
[Editor's Comment: I am greatly blessed when I get responses from the promotions I give to singing groups or other exciting ministries. Here is one that greatly bolstered my spirit that came this past weekend. Let me copy and paste it for you:
"Bro. Morgan, just a note about the Booth Brothers. What an opportunity for those in close proximity to hear the group voted Favorite Artist by Southern Gospel fans for the last several years. I've known these guys for many years and they are the real deal. We would be there if we were within 199 Miles of the church."
Gloria Rector Lusk
Valrico, Florida
What a lovely and powerful endorsement of the Booth Brothers. Thank you Gloria. I am sure that many of you can give testimony to the joy it gives you when you see and hear these men in person sing the Gospel songs we all can relate to from the depths of our souls. Christians are known for their singing. It draws sinners to come to Jesus Christ to be save--born again.
It is my sincere prayer that Pastor Dwatt Cook and his wife, Wanda, and their great congregation at Kingsway Christian Center will have a full house of people who love Southern Gospel music this coming Friday night. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.
The people in the Baltimore/Washington DC area are in for a treat of a lifetime when they experience a live concert in the best of Southern Gospel Singing. The Booth Brothers will be singing at Kingsway Christian Center, this Friday evening, October 9 at 7 o'clock.
The Booth Brothers are the best in Southern Gospel Singing. They have a sound, harmony and blending of voices unlike any other group you have ever heard. Their arrangements are out of this world, and they are master musicians who love Jesus and the Gospel message.
To listen to this amazing group of men sing I have made you a hyperlink of them singing at the Tent Revival. Click Here to see and hear them sing "In Christ Alone." You may select from several titles of songs that you will find on this website. You will love it.
There is no doubt about it they are the premier award-winning Gospel musicians of our day.
Pastor Wyatt Cook has asked me to help him and his church promote this concert. What a wonderful facility they have there in Baltimore to host such gifted gospel singers. Every seat is a good one and they are comfortable with lots of leg room.
Kingsway Christian Center is a Pentecostal Holiness Church.
The Booth Brothers will be there in concert on Friday evening, October 9, 2015, at 7 o'clock. This will be their first time in this area of our nation. Doors will open at 6 p m. Although this is a large church with a balcony, I would encourage you to come early to get a good seat.
Kingsway Christian Center is located at 7403 Gum Spring Road, Baltimore, MD, 21237 in the Rosedale area.
A love offering will be received. Tickets for their concerts usually average $25 to $30 each.
Talk it up, tell somebody you know who loves good Gospel music, invite them to come with you. If I were near by, even in Richmond, VA, I would make my way there and get a seat close to the platform or stage.
Here are the directions to the church:
Directions to Kingsway Christian Center – 7403 Gum Spring Road, Baltimore, MD 21237
From points south of Baltimore:
I-95 North to exit for I-695 West (right exit – 2 lanes – stay in left lane toward Towson)
Take Exit 32B (Bel Air Road – Route 1) on I-695 West (1st exit on 695 – stay in right lane)
Pass through flashing light to second light at Rossville Blvd. – Turn right in front of McDonald’s
Pass through two traffic lights on Rossville Blvd.
Take 2nd right onto Gum Spring Road – follow Gum Spring to dead end and into parking lot
From points north of Baltimore:
I-95 South to I-695 (past exit for White Marsh #43 – next exit is I-695 West)
I-695 West to first exit 32B (Bel Air Road – Route 1) on I-695 West – stay in right lane
Pass through flashing light to second light at Rossville Blvd. – Turn right in front of McDonald’s
Pass through two traffic lights on Rossville Blvd.
Take 2nd right onto Gum Spring Road – follow Gum Spring to dead end and into parking lot
[The editor is grateful to Janice Robinson Russ for these directions. She is one of the most resourceful persons I know. Thank you, Janice.]
[Editor's Comment: I am greatly blessed when I get responses from the promotions I give to singing groups or other exciting ministries. Here is one that greatly bolstered my spirit that came this past weekend. Let me copy and paste it for you:
"Bro. Morgan, just a note about the Booth Brothers. What an opportunity for those in close proximity to hear the group voted Favorite Artist by Southern Gospel fans for the last several years. I've known these guys for many years and they are the real deal. We would be there if we were within 199 Miles of the church."
Gloria Rector Lusk
Valrico, Florida
What a lovely and powerful endorsement of the Booth Brothers. Thank you Gloria. I am sure that many of you can give testimony to the joy it gives you when you see and hear these men in person sing the Gospel songs we all can relate to from the depths of our souls. Christians are known for their singing. It draws sinners to come to Jesus Christ to be save--born again.
It is my sincere prayer that Pastor Dwatt Cook and his wife, Wanda, and their great congregation at Kingsway Christian Center will have a full house of people who love Southern Gospel music this coming Friday night. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.