In case you have not seen it on our Facebook page or website yet, the resources for the 2016 Girls' Ministries Week are available online. We invite you to browse the webpage and see all the resources available. Or, you can click on the graphic to the left to immediately download the theme booklet. It is a 21-page booklet filled with devotions and ideas related to the theme for GM Week and the new school year.

This year's theme Shine: Inside Out is our endeavor to highlight the IPHC Core Value of holiness. We have borrowed from the denominational focus on Source, Illuminate, and Radiate. Our logo captures the essence of one of my childhood memories, chasing lightning bugs. In the same way, we must chase after God's holiness. Just as a chemical reaction inside the firefly creates that enchanting glow, when Jesus Christ is given control of our lives, He produces a glow that shines from the inside out!
–Irvina Parker, IPHC Girls' Ministries Director
–Irvina Parker, IPHC Girls' Ministries Director

On the GM Week webpage, you will see four different "title blocks" that look like the one to the left. These four titles divide the available resources into manageable downloads. The graphics block, for instance, has a link to the full size poster, the Shine logo, and a web banner you could use. Clicking below the Bonus Ideas block on that page will take you to all the available bonus ideas that we have added. That is where you will find the PowerPoint slide show for GM Day or perhaps to use in the class for the older girls. For your convenience the Bonus Ideas block to the left will link you directly to that page allowing you to explore the many options.

As you celebrate Girls' Ministries Week and implement the Shine theme over the next year, don't forget to check out our annual theme pages on Pinterest where we collect pins of interest, specifically the GM Week 2016 and We Value Holiness boards. And as always, there are plenty of other boards and pins on our site as well. Connect to our Girls' Ministries Pinterest site Girls' Ministries Pinterest Site and then scroll through to find the boards you want. I have also included links to the Pinterest pages on the Bonus Ideas web page for your convenience.