Dr. Morgan, in light of today's Sunday School lesson, "Hezekiah the Reformer," based on 2 Chronicles 29, 30 and 32, I plan to sent a copy of this excellent article to my students as a follow up.
These passages are packed with principles pertinent to our present political and spiritual position. (How's that for alliteration?)
[Editor's Comment: Shirley Spencer is a gifted writer, author, editor, teacher, administrator, etc. She knows that I love alliteration. That is just the way I think. It is a vital part of my spiritual DNA. I am personally grateful that Shirley has agreed to be a Contributing Writer for Hugh's News, and the magnificent bio that she wrote about the Rev. Dr. James R. Pennington. He was a prince of pastors and preachers. I am grateful for all who contribute and help me put together every issue of Hugh's News.]
These passages are packed with principles pertinent to our present political and spiritual position. (How's that for alliteration?)
[Editor's Comment: Shirley Spencer is a gifted writer, author, editor, teacher, administrator, etc. She knows that I love alliteration. That is just the way I think. It is a vital part of my spiritual DNA. I am personally grateful that Shirley has agreed to be a Contributing Writer for Hugh's News, and the magnificent bio that she wrote about the Rev. Dr. James R. Pennington. He was a prince of pastors and preachers. I am grateful for all who contribute and help me put together every issue of Hugh's News.]