Evelyn Deedee Springer, who resides Germantown, Tennessee
"Thank you, Bishop Doug Beacham and Council, for this excellent letter to our Presidential candidates!!!
God bless you in your continued dedicated service to Him, to the church and to the lost of this world!!!"
Wyatt Cook, an IPHC pastor in Columbia, SC
"Thanks Bishop for your clarity and vision as it relates to the IPHC stand on our core values. And, our willingness to pray for the candidates. Our future is bright with your leadership and the great people of the IPHC."
Dr. Floyd M. Shealy from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
"Beautifully and appropriately done; Congratulations, Most Honorable Bishop Beacham."
"Thank you, Bishop Doug Beacham and Council, for this excellent letter to our Presidential candidates!!!
God bless you in your continued dedicated service to Him, to the church and to the lost of this world!!!"
Wyatt Cook, an IPHC pastor in Columbia, SC
"Thanks Bishop for your clarity and vision as it relates to the IPHC stand on our core values. And, our willingness to pray for the candidates. Our future is bright with your leadership and the great people of the IPHC."
Dr. Floyd M. Shealy from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
"Beautifully and appropriately done; Congratulations, Most Honorable Bishop Beacham."