On May 15, 2016, Mission M25 will begin to gather in Los Angeles CA from ten states to cross the USA on two routes to serve our TRUE AMERICAN HEROES. This will be the eleventh year M25 has serve in areas of Chase Chaplains, Emergency Chaplains, Platoon Chaplains, Chase Vehicles, Hydration Team and Sr. Chaplains. There are 43 people committed to ride across the nation in packs of motorcycles to hold Memorial Services, Wreath Laying Services, school visits and War Memorial Site visits.
The picture of a church being held at the funeral of one of these heroes back in 2004 is one of the motivations for our going. This was the only church out there expressing it's opinion for these great men and women of sacrifice. M25 decided to make a positive statement and as you know, it takes a lot of positive actions to overcome a negative.
Another great motivation, in 2004 we flew three World War II soldiers and their wives to DC for the unveiling of the WWII memorial. One of them was my father-in-law, Robert Young. Our government put him on 100% financial support, we wheeled him around in a wheel chair. He was one of them who never talked about his experiences living on the Pacific Island and dealt with bodies decaying, with the exception of once or twice. As people asked for his autograph, tears would swell in his eyes. This moved us to see the value of healing in efforts like honoring our veterans.
You can be involved in this effort several ways:
The picture of a church being held at the funeral of one of these heroes back in 2004 is one of the motivations for our going. This was the only church out there expressing it's opinion for these great men and women of sacrifice. M25 decided to make a positive statement and as you know, it takes a lot of positive actions to overcome a negative.
Another great motivation, in 2004 we flew three World War II soldiers and their wives to DC for the unveiling of the WWII memorial. One of them was my father-in-law, Robert Young. Our government put him on 100% financial support, we wheeled him around in a wheel chair. He was one of them who never talked about his experiences living on the Pacific Island and dealt with bodies decaying, with the exception of once or twice. As people asked for his autograph, tears would swell in his eyes. This moved us to see the value of healing in efforts like honoring our veterans.
You can be involved in this effort several ways:
Please pray for the men and women as we ride across the nation in packs of motorcycles.
You can find out if we pass your area at www.rftw.org. Then come out and hold a homemade sign that thanks our veterans, stand on a bridge with a USA flag or come and meet us at a stop.
We are in great need of financial help, the picture attached is of our banner that is posted on our trailers. You can place you name on there for a minimum of $250 donation. We ask churches, individuals and businesses to join our efforts. Comments of our Heroes as they read the banner list, "I did not even know the church cared."
Join us on FaceBook, Mission: M25 Network, for our daily devotions. We will be live at 8:30 p. m. at the varying time zones, depending on our journey but you can watch at any time.
You can find out if we pass your area at www.rftw.org. Then come out and hold a homemade sign that thanks our veterans, stand on a bridge with a USA flag or come and meet us at a stop.
We are in great need of financial help, the picture attached is of our banner that is posted on our trailers. You can place you name on there for a minimum of $250 donation. We ask churches, individuals and businesses to join our efforts. Comments of our Heroes as they read the banner list, "I did not even know the church cared."
Join us on FaceBook, Mission: M25 Network, for our daily devotions. We will be live at 8:30 p. m. at the varying time zones, depending on our journey but you can watch at any time.

You can help--you can be a part of not forgetting our Heroes. Test POWMIA to 71777 and follow instructions to use your credit card.
Mail your check by May 1, 2016 and made out to M25.
POB 30309
Amarillo TX.
Thanks for our Heroes
Gary Burd, National M25 Director
Mail your check by May 1, 2016 and made out to M25.
POB 30309
Amarillo TX.
Thanks for our Heroes
Gary Burd, National M25 Director