What pleasant memories I have of you two--of you, Melvine, before Hugh, at Holmes Bible College, then later as we ministered at Brownville P.H Church--my, my, how the years pass so swiftly, but TRUE FRIENDSHIP NEVER PASSES!!
May your day be a blessed one, as You Both bless the BODY OF CHRIST!!
LOVE TO YOU BOTH!! My heart feels for you in the constant memory of the loss of Stephanie.
[Editor's Comment: We were greatly blessed to have Ramona Garrison Ready and the Greta Campbell Trio with us for a two-week revival when I pastored the Brownville P. H. Church near Evergreen, AL. I was able to get them a spot on Radio Station WBLO to sing, and they did so beautifully.
They were: Greta Campbell, Patsy Welch (pianist and singer), and Ramona Garrison Ready.
Melvine and I lived in the parsonage with one guest bed room without air conditioning. We had one bath room. Fortunately, I could walk over to the fellowship hall where we had bath rooms.
All of our youth, save one boy, got saved in that revival and many were sanctified and baptized with the Holy Spirit. Adults who had never received the baptism with the Holy Spirit were filled with the Holy Spirit. People came from far and near, and the church was full for every worship service.
Thank you, Ramona for the memories of the past. I can say, that God is just as real today as He was then. And we bless you Ramona and your family.
What pleasant memories I have of you two--of you, Melvine, before Hugh, at Holmes Bible College, then later as we ministered at Brownville P.H Church--my, my, how the years pass so swiftly, but TRUE FRIENDSHIP NEVER PASSES!!
May your day be a blessed one, as You Both bless the BODY OF CHRIST!!
LOVE TO YOU BOTH!! My heart feels for you in the constant memory of the loss of Stephanie.
[Editor's Comment: We were greatly blessed to have Ramona Garrison Ready and the Greta Campbell Trio with us for a two-week revival when I pastored the Brownville P. H. Church near Evergreen, AL. I was able to get them a spot on Radio Station WBLO to sing, and they did so beautifully.
They were: Greta Campbell, Patsy Welch (pianist and singer), and Ramona Garrison Ready.
Melvine and I lived in the parsonage with one guest bed room without air conditioning. We had one bath room. Fortunately, I could walk over to the fellowship hall where we had bath rooms.
All of our youth, save one boy, got saved in that revival and many were sanctified and baptized with the Holy Spirit. Adults who had never received the baptism with the Holy Spirit were filled with the Holy Spirit. People came from far and near, and the church was full for every worship service.
Thank you, Ramona for the memories of the past. I can say, that God is just as real today as He was then. And we bless you Ramona and your family.