BE THANKFUL! This is an abrupt phrase. Alexander Maclaren calls it a "jet of praise." It is the only time "thankful" is used in Scripture, but thanksgiving, thankfulness, praise abound in the Word. The Bible is a book of thanksgiving and praise. It is a mark of the Christian life. It is a crowning grace. It is impossible to be Biblical without a deep sense of gratitude.
I am thankful for the wonderful way the Lord has blessed the college this year. My heart overflows with gratitude for the students. It is just not the record number but the quality of the students. We rejoice to see so many possibilities for Kingdom ministry.
I am thankful for the spirit of revival on campus. The Spirit is moving among the students. We have had at least three chapel services where the Lord moved in a powerful way. These chapels spilled over into the lunch hour and into the afternoon classes.
I am thankful for the development of the beautiful new campus. People visiting for the first time cannot believe what God has provided in the way of new buildings to provide such a spacious and functional campus. We rejoice that the development continues with the new student center and plans to be developed for a residence facility for girls.
I am thankful for the dedicated faculty and staff who are so faithful in teaching and mentoring the young people. They made a powerful impact in the students' lives.
I am thankful for the faithful support of alumni and friends. You make a difference in the college and the students. Your support enables the college to continue its mission of equipping men and women for Kingdom ministry.
We glorify the Name of the Lord for His favor and blessings on Holmes Bible College.
SEND Conference/Missions Emphasis at Holmes Bible College
Was Amazing!
On November 2 - 6, 2015, students and faculty/staff turned aside from the daily business of the school year and focused on World Missions. We were blessed by the ministry of various missionaries as we learned about their lives and work on the field.
Missions Emphasis week actually began with Monday's chapel. Hobert and Marguerite Howard, missionaries to India for more than 60 years, brought the message. They spoke of their experiences during their decades in India, and of the continuing need for missionaries to that and other areas of the world.
Max Barroso was in charge of the event, beginning each morning with prayer and a devotion. We were challenged and blessed by the testimony of Hope Partin, one of our students who took part in a life-changing month-long missions trip to Malaysia last summer. Hope plans to be a missionary to that region when she completes her education.
Darrell Clowers spent two sessions telling the students about his family life as a missionary and their work in the Dominican Republic and surrounding nations. Dr. Harold Dalton, Assistant Director World Missions Ministry Department, provided valuable information regarding the process for becoming a missionary. Rev. Al Argo was a surprise guest, and told of his and his wife's work in Asia. Kundael and Yasinta Mrema, missionaries to Tanzania, told of the progress of missions there.
Overall, it was an extremely beneficial three days. Our students were challenged and inspired; many spoke of a renewed burden for the work of world missions, and a number have already accepted the call to be missionaries.
God be praised!
Founder's Memorial Week and Homecoming
March 2 - 5, 2016
The dates for the next Founder's Memorial Week and Homecoming are March 2 - 5, 2016, Wednesday through Saturday. For the first time in years, FMW and Homecoming will take place entirely in our own facilities on the Holmes campus! It is not too soon to begin making your travel and lodging plans to attend the event. If you need further information, call Mrs. Bishop at 864-246-3566, or email her at [email protected].
One of the highlights of Homecoming for many people is the Saturday morning Family Sing beginning at 10:00 am. If you sang while you were a student at Holmes, especially if you have a group that would like to be part of the Family Sing program, please email David Wheeler at [email protected].
Will YOU be present in 2016?
Stories of Faith and Provision
If you have known any one who attended Holmes in years gone by, you have no doubt heard them speak of God's miraculous provision for the school and its students. Here is a memory directly from the writings of Brother Holmes himself
"On one occasion, ... for several days we did not know where the next meal was coming from. Friday morning at prayers I said to the students, 'I am going to Greenville today, and I am going to take the wagon. You will have nothing for dinner except a few turnips and onions.' Before I left home, money came in to supply dinner and when I got to the post office at Greenville, the first letter I opened had a check for twenty-five dollars. I bought our provisions and returned home praising God for His goodness and providence." (Holmes 120)
(From Rev. N. J. Holmes' book, Life Sketches and Sermons)
If you or someone you know has a "Holmes Story of Faith and Provision," would you be willing to share it with us so that we can make others aware of God's goodness? We are planning to compile all your stories into a notebook to bless this and future generations! Just email them to [email protected].
I am thankful for the wonderful way the Lord has blessed the college this year. My heart overflows with gratitude for the students. It is just not the record number but the quality of the students. We rejoice to see so many possibilities for Kingdom ministry.
I am thankful for the spirit of revival on campus. The Spirit is moving among the students. We have had at least three chapel services where the Lord moved in a powerful way. These chapels spilled over into the lunch hour and into the afternoon classes.
I am thankful for the development of the beautiful new campus. People visiting for the first time cannot believe what God has provided in the way of new buildings to provide such a spacious and functional campus. We rejoice that the development continues with the new student center and plans to be developed for a residence facility for girls.
I am thankful for the dedicated faculty and staff who are so faithful in teaching and mentoring the young people. They made a powerful impact in the students' lives.
I am thankful for the faithful support of alumni and friends. You make a difference in the college and the students. Your support enables the college to continue its mission of equipping men and women for Kingdom ministry.
We glorify the Name of the Lord for His favor and blessings on Holmes Bible College.
SEND Conference/Missions Emphasis at Holmes Bible College
Was Amazing!
On November 2 - 6, 2015, students and faculty/staff turned aside from the daily business of the school year and focused on World Missions. We were blessed by the ministry of various missionaries as we learned about their lives and work on the field.
Missions Emphasis week actually began with Monday's chapel. Hobert and Marguerite Howard, missionaries to India for more than 60 years, brought the message. They spoke of their experiences during their decades in India, and of the continuing need for missionaries to that and other areas of the world.
Max Barroso was in charge of the event, beginning each morning with prayer and a devotion. We were challenged and blessed by the testimony of Hope Partin, one of our students who took part in a life-changing month-long missions trip to Malaysia last summer. Hope plans to be a missionary to that region when she completes her education.
Darrell Clowers spent two sessions telling the students about his family life as a missionary and their work in the Dominican Republic and surrounding nations. Dr. Harold Dalton, Assistant Director World Missions Ministry Department, provided valuable information regarding the process for becoming a missionary. Rev. Al Argo was a surprise guest, and told of his and his wife's work in Asia. Kundael and Yasinta Mrema, missionaries to Tanzania, told of the progress of missions there.
Overall, it was an extremely beneficial three days. Our students were challenged and inspired; many spoke of a renewed burden for the work of world missions, and a number have already accepted the call to be missionaries.
God be praised!
Founder's Memorial Week and Homecoming
March 2 - 5, 2016
The dates for the next Founder's Memorial Week and Homecoming are March 2 - 5, 2016, Wednesday through Saturday. For the first time in years, FMW and Homecoming will take place entirely in our own facilities on the Holmes campus! It is not too soon to begin making your travel and lodging plans to attend the event. If you need further information, call Mrs. Bishop at 864-246-3566, or email her at [email protected].
One of the highlights of Homecoming for many people is the Saturday morning Family Sing beginning at 10:00 am. If you sang while you were a student at Holmes, especially if you have a group that would like to be part of the Family Sing program, please email David Wheeler at [email protected].
Will YOU be present in 2016?
Stories of Faith and Provision
If you have known any one who attended Holmes in years gone by, you have no doubt heard them speak of God's miraculous provision for the school and its students. Here is a memory directly from the writings of Brother Holmes himself
"On one occasion, ... for several days we did not know where the next meal was coming from. Friday morning at prayers I said to the students, 'I am going to Greenville today, and I am going to take the wagon. You will have nothing for dinner except a few turnips and onions.' Before I left home, money came in to supply dinner and when I got to the post office at Greenville, the first letter I opened had a check for twenty-five dollars. I bought our provisions and returned home praising God for His goodness and providence." (Holmes 120)
(From Rev. N. J. Holmes' book, Life Sketches and Sermons)
If you or someone you know has a "Holmes Story of Faith and Provision," would you be willing to share it with us so that we can make others aware of God's goodness? We are planning to compile all your stories into a notebook to bless this and future generations! Just email them to [email protected].