“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence”(1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Franklin Graham will hold special Facebook Live prayer events before the start of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions later this month. During each online event, he will speak to viewers, then pray for America’s presidential candidates, the convention, the upcoming elections and our nation.
“Our country is in trouble, and I don’t have a whole lot of faith in the political parties,” Franklin Graham said in a video posted on his Facebook page Monday.
He also referenced the tragic events of the past week: “Shootings, riots and protests now claim the headlines about America, and that’s heartbreaking,” he said. “We are in desperate need of Divine intervention. We need healing. Prayer is what can make a difference in America.”
The first live event will take place July 18 at noon EDT ahead of the RNC. Updates on this event as well as the start time for the DNC live prayer will post to Franklin Graham’s Facebook page.
“Be a part of this,” Franklin Graham said. “Wherever you are that day, I hope you will set your reminder to join us via your phone or your laptop. The Bible says that the prayers of one righteous person avails much (James 5:16). So if there are thousands of us calling out to God on behalf of our nation, can you imagine what He might do?”
0 Comments Hobert Howard has just posted a comment on your blog post, The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
Marquerite and Hobert Howard
Marguerite and I became acquainted with Brother Zenger once while on furlough from our ministry in India. He was really a "Friend to Missionaries." What a blessing he was to so many in Kansas and Oklahoma especially!
How wonderful it is to hear from Hobert and Marguerite Howard. They have never lost their fervor and love for India and World Missions in general. There reside in Greenville, SC. What a blessing these noble servants of the Lord to all of us. Keep on writing, Hobert. We love you and Marguerite.
0 Comments Lighten Up With Laughter7/11/2016
Prayer Positions
A priest, a minister and a guru sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby.
"Kneeling is definitely the best way to pray," the priest said.
"No," said the minister. "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven."
"You're both wrong," the guru said. "The most effective prayer position is lying down on the floor."
The repairman could contain himself no longer. "Hey, fellas," he interrupted. "The best prayin' I ever did was when I was hangin' upside down from a telephone pole."
0 Comments Franklin and Frances Barrow have just posted a comment on your blog post, Your Prayers Are Requested for Pastor Ben Rose of Eden, NC, Who is scheduled to have laser Back Surgery for Spinal Stenosis on Saturday, July 23, in Greensboro, NC7/11/2016
We are praying for Pastor Ben Rose for complete restoration of his health.
We ask in the most Holy Sweet Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
We have lived in Florida for almost 40 years and have known Pastor Rose since 1984.
0 Comments Here is a must appointment to hear Children's Specialist, Dr. Ellen Eby Moore, speak about the importance of reaching Children for Christ7/11/2016
I have known Elllen Eby Moore since she was a child in Oklahoma City. Her father, Jim Eby, was one of our national youth and discipleship leaders. I noticed that Jim was influencing young men and women to a higher calling to devote themselves to the disciplines of the Christian faith. I was so impressed with what Jim was doing, I made space available at Southwestern College for his discipleship classes. One of his star disciples/students was Rick Hurst who was bright and talented. As I recall he worked closely with Bishop B.E. Underwood. Rick and I bonded as friends, and I often met with him when I traveled to Washington DC for Ecclesiastical Endorsers Conferences when I was Director/Endorser of Chaplains Ministries, IPHC.
I have said all of this to let you know that God has raised up Ellen Eby Moore, wife of Phillip Moore, the son of the Rev. Dr. Ronald Q. and Doris Moore, to help us as a denomination to reach our children in the most critical stage of their lives.
It is my desire that you will take time and watch this video that features Dr. Ellen Moore Eby as she speaks about the challenges and opportunities to reach the children in our local churches.
Unfortunately, I do not have a photo of Ellen. However, I do want you to see and hear her on this video. You will want to have a pen and paper to take notes. She says that there are things we know about children: "From Birth to age 13 is the most critical time of a person's development." In speaking about Childhood she says, "We get only one pass at it. It is crucial to the development of a person's life."
Click here to see this informative message from Dr. Ellen Eby Moore, a Children's Consultant to Discipleship Ministries. You will need to click on the upper right hand video, Kids Min. It does not give Ellen's name. You will be pleased to listen to a Christian leader who displays confidence, competence, and communication skills. Her experience in ministry to children is impressive. You and your local church will greatly benefit from what Ellen Moore Eby has to share and offer.
0 Comments Judith Pérez acaba de publicar un Comentario en tu entrada de Blog, An Update on Janice Robinson Russ7/11/2016
Wonderful news about our dear friend, Janice. Prayers are being answered and victory is near! Upon earnestly praying for a special need, and receiving the answer from the Lord . . . our caretaker at Emmanuel Bible School has a phrase which tops it off: "Well, we prayed, didn´t we?" Yes we prayed and will continue to hold Janice and Wesley up in our prayers.
Judith Pérez in Monterey, Mexico.
0 Comments Two comments on your blog post, The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
Jim and Peggy Eby, Houston, TX
"What a godly, humble, and gracious man with a real heart for God, love for people, and student of the Bible. Jim Zenger made the world a better place to live. He will be missed."
Ronald Q. and Doris Moore, Easley, SC
"Brother Zenger was a wonderful example of a true Christian gentleman . . . Always a warm smile and an encouraging word. He was a great Servant Leader. I am so thankful to God for putting Rev. James Zenger in my life.
"Our love and prayers are with the family. Ron and Doris Moore"
[A side note of interest: The youngest son of Ronald Q. and Doris Moore, Phillip, married Jim and Peggy Eby's only daughter, Ellen. What a blessing the Ebys and Moores are to the IPHC. Let us rejoice in the lives and ministries of these church leaders.]
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger, 91, of Oklahoma City, formerly of Blanchard, died Friday, July 8, 2016, in Oklahoma City. The son of Henry Zenger and Lessie (Smith) Zenger, he was born on April 27, 1925 in Lookeba, Oklahoma.
James married Velma Pauline Becker on September 1, 1945 in Aline, Oklahoma. He graduated from high school in 1950 in Rolla, Kansas. He was a member of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Throughout his ministry, he pastored churches in both Kansas and Oklahoma and served as Superintendent of the Kansas Conference for over 20 years. In his spare time, he enjoyed studying the Bible, carpentry, and gardening. His greatest enjoyment came from spending time with his children and grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his daughter, Betty Hardesty; and an infant daughter; one sister, Maxine Coker; and one brother, Johnny Zenger.
James is survived by his wife of nearly 71 years, Velma Zenger of Oklahoma City; three daughters, Sharon Lauzet of Okarche, Janet Hooks and husband, Wallace, of Edmond, and Helen McDowell and husband, Lee, of Blanchard; one son, James “Jim” M. Zenger, Jr. and wife, Rita, of Briscoe, Texas; seven grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; one sister, Mae Ingram of Checotah; and many other relatives and friends.
The family received friends from 6 to 8 p. m., Monday, July 11, 2016, at the funeral home. Funeral service will be at 10 a. m., Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church, 206 South Janeway Avenue, Moore, Oklahoma.
Interment will follow in the Blanchard Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Southwestern Christian University, P.O. Box 340, Bethany, OK 73008. Arrangements are under the direction of Eisenhour Funeral Home of Blanchard. Online obituary and guestbook are available at www.eisenhourfh.com.
Monday, July 11, 2016
6 to 8 p. m.
Eisenhour Funeral Home
2500 N. Council Avenue
Blanchard, Oklahoma 73010
Funeral Service
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
10 a. m.
Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church
206 South Janeway Avenue
Moore, Oklahoma 73160
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
The Rev. Mr. James Zenger
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger, 91, of Oklahoma City, formerly of Blanchard, died Friday, July 8, 2016, in Oklahoma City. The son of Henry Zenger and Lessie (Smith) Zenger, he was born on April 27, 1925 in Lookeba, Oklahoma.
James married Velma Pauline Becker on September 1, 1945 in Aline, Oklahoma. He graduated from high school in 1950 in Rolla, Kansas. He was a member of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Throughout his ministry, he pastored churches in both Kansas and Oklahoma and served as Superintendent of the Kansas Conference for over 20 years. In his spare time, he enjoyed studying the Bible, carpentry, and gardening. His greatest enjoyment came from spending time with his children and grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his daughter, Betty Hardesty; and an infant daughter; one sister, Maxine Coker; and one brother, Johnny Zenger.
James is survived by his wife of nearly 71 years, Velma Zenger of Oklahoma City; three daughters, Sharon Lauzet of Okarche, Janet Hooks and husband, Wallace, of Edmond, and Helen McDowell and husband, Lee, of Blanchard; one son, James “Jim” M. Zenger, Jr. and wife, Rita, of Briscoe, Texas; seven grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; one sister, Mae Ingram of Checotah; and many other relatives and friends.
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p. m., Monday, July 11, 2016, at the funeral home. Funeral service will be at 10 a. m., Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church, 206 South Janeway Avenue, Moore, Oklahoma.
Interment will follow in the Blanchard Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Southwestern Christian University, P.O. Box 340, Bethany, OK 73008. Arrangements are under the direction of Eisenhour Funeral Home of Blanchard. Online obituary and guestbook are available at www.eisenhourfh.com.
Monday, July 11, 2016
6 to 8 p. m.
Eisenhour Funeral Home
2500 N. Council Avenue
Blanchard, Oklahoma 73010
Funeral Service
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
10 a. m.
Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church
206 South Janeway Avenue
Moore, Oklahoma 73160
Franklin Graham will hold special Facebook Live prayer events before the start of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions later this month. During each online event, he will speak to viewers, then pray for America’s presidential candidates, the convention, the upcoming elections and our nation.
“Our country is in trouble, and I don’t have a whole lot of faith in the political parties,” Franklin Graham said in a video posted on his Facebook page Monday.
He also referenced the tragic events of the past week: “Shootings, riots and protests now claim the headlines about America, and that’s heartbreaking,” he said. “We are in desperate need of Divine intervention. We need healing. Prayer is what can make a difference in America.”
The first live event will take place July 18 at noon EDT ahead of the RNC. Updates on this event as well as the start time for the DNC live prayer will post to Franklin Graham’s Facebook page.
“Be a part of this,” Franklin Graham said. “Wherever you are that day, I hope you will set your reminder to join us via your phone or your laptop. The Bible says that the prayers of one righteous person avails much (James 5:16). So if there are thousands of us calling out to God on behalf of our nation, can you imagine what He might do?”
0 Comments Hobert Howard has just posted a comment on your blog post, The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
Marquerite and Hobert Howard
Marguerite and I became acquainted with Brother Zenger once while on furlough from our ministry in India. He was really a "Friend to Missionaries." What a blessing he was to so many in Kansas and Oklahoma especially!
How wonderful it is to hear from Hobert and Marguerite Howard. They have never lost their fervor and love for India and World Missions in general. There reside in Greenville, SC. What a blessing these noble servants of the Lord to all of us. Keep on writing, Hobert. We love you and Marguerite.
0 Comments Lighten Up With Laughter7/11/2016
Prayer Positions
A priest, a minister and a guru sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby.
"Kneeling is definitely the best way to pray," the priest said.
"No," said the minister. "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven."
"You're both wrong," the guru said. "The most effective prayer position is lying down on the floor."
The repairman could contain himself no longer. "Hey, fellas," he interrupted. "The best prayin' I ever did was when I was hangin' upside down from a telephone pole."
0 Comments Franklin and Frances Barrow have just posted a comment on your blog post, Your Prayers Are Requested for Pastor Ben Rose of Eden, NC, Who is scheduled to have laser Back Surgery for Spinal Stenosis on Saturday, July 23, in Greensboro, NC7/11/2016
We are praying for Pastor Ben Rose for complete restoration of his health.
We ask in the most Holy Sweet Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
We have lived in Florida for almost 40 years and have known Pastor Rose since 1984.
0 Comments Here is a must appointment to hear Children's Specialist, Dr. Ellen Eby Moore, speak about the importance of reaching Children for Christ7/11/2016
I have known Elllen Eby Moore since she was a child in Oklahoma City. Her father, Jim Eby, was one of our national youth and discipleship leaders. I noticed that Jim was influencing young men and women to a higher calling to devote themselves to the disciplines of the Christian faith. I was so impressed with what Jim was doing, I made space available at Southwestern College for his discipleship classes. One of his star disciples/students was Rick Hurst who was bright and talented. As I recall he worked closely with Bishop B.E. Underwood. Rick and I bonded as friends, and I often met with him when I traveled to Washington DC for Ecclesiastical Endorsers Conferences when I was Director/Endorser of Chaplains Ministries, IPHC.
I have said all of this to let you know that God has raised up Ellen Eby Moore, wife of Phillip Moore, the son of the Rev. Dr. Ronald Q. and Doris Moore, to help us as a denomination to reach our children in the most critical stage of their lives.
It is my desire that you will take time and watch this video that features Dr. Ellen Moore Eby as she speaks about the challenges and opportunities to reach the children in our local churches.
Unfortunately, I do not have a photo of Ellen. However, I do want you to see and hear her on this video. You will want to have a pen and paper to take notes. She says that there are things we know about children: "From Birth to age 13 is the most critical time of a person's development." In speaking about Childhood she says, "We get only one pass at it. It is crucial to the development of a person's life."
Click here to see this informative message from Dr. Ellen Eby Moore, a Children's Consultant to Discipleship Ministries. You will need to click on the upper right hand video, Kids Min. It does not give Ellen's name. You will be pleased to listen to a Christian leader who displays confidence, competence, and communication skills. Her experience in ministry to children is impressive. You and your local church will greatly benefit from what Ellen Moore Eby has to share and offer.
0 Comments Judith Pérez acaba de publicar un Comentario en tu entrada de Blog, An Update on Janice Robinson Russ7/11/2016
Wonderful news about our dear friend, Janice. Prayers are being answered and victory is near! Upon earnestly praying for a special need, and receiving the answer from the Lord . . . our caretaker at Emmanuel Bible School has a phrase which tops it off: "Well, we prayed, didn´t we?" Yes we prayed and will continue to hold Janice and Wesley up in our prayers.
Judith Pérez in Monterey, Mexico.
0 Comments Two comments on your blog post, The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
Jim and Peggy Eby, Houston, TX
"What a godly, humble, and gracious man with a real heart for God, love for people, and student of the Bible. Jim Zenger made the world a better place to live. He will be missed."
Ronald Q. and Doris Moore, Easley, SC
"Brother Zenger was a wonderful example of a true Christian gentleman . . . Always a warm smile and an encouraging word. He was a great Servant Leader. I am so thankful to God for putting Rev. James Zenger in my life.
"Our love and prayers are with the family. Ron and Doris Moore"
[A side note of interest: The youngest son of Ronald Q. and Doris Moore, Phillip, married Jim and Peggy Eby's only daughter, Ellen. What a blessing the Ebys and Moores are to the IPHC. Let us rejoice in the lives and ministries of these church leaders.]
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger, 91, of Oklahoma City, formerly of Blanchard, died Friday, July 8, 2016, in Oklahoma City. The son of Henry Zenger and Lessie (Smith) Zenger, he was born on April 27, 1925 in Lookeba, Oklahoma.
James married Velma Pauline Becker on September 1, 1945 in Aline, Oklahoma. He graduated from high school in 1950 in Rolla, Kansas. He was a member of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Throughout his ministry, he pastored churches in both Kansas and Oklahoma and served as Superintendent of the Kansas Conference for over 20 years. In his spare time, he enjoyed studying the Bible, carpentry, and gardening. His greatest enjoyment came from spending time with his children and grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his daughter, Betty Hardesty; and an infant daughter; one sister, Maxine Coker; and one brother, Johnny Zenger.
James is survived by his wife of nearly 71 years, Velma Zenger of Oklahoma City; three daughters, Sharon Lauzet of Okarche, Janet Hooks and husband, Wallace, of Edmond, and Helen McDowell and husband, Lee, of Blanchard; one son, James “Jim” M. Zenger, Jr. and wife, Rita, of Briscoe, Texas; seven grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; one sister, Mae Ingram of Checotah; and many other relatives and friends.
The family received friends from 6 to 8 p. m., Monday, July 11, 2016, at the funeral home. Funeral service will be at 10 a. m., Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church, 206 South Janeway Avenue, Moore, Oklahoma.
Interment will follow in the Blanchard Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Southwestern Christian University, P.O. Box 340, Bethany, OK 73008. Arrangements are under the direction of Eisenhour Funeral Home of Blanchard. Online obituary and guestbook are available at www.eisenhourfh.com.
Monday, July 11, 2016
6 to 8 p. m.
Eisenhour Funeral Home
2500 N. Council Avenue
Blanchard, Oklahoma 73010
Funeral Service
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
10 a. m.
Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church
206 South Janeway Avenue
Moore, Oklahoma 73160
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
The Rev. Mr. James Zenger
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger, 91, of Oklahoma City, formerly of Blanchard, died Friday, July 8, 2016, in Oklahoma City. The son of Henry Zenger and Lessie (Smith) Zenger, he was born on April 27, 1925 in Lookeba, Oklahoma.
James married Velma Pauline Becker on September 1, 1945 in Aline, Oklahoma. He graduated from high school in 1950 in Rolla, Kansas. He was a member of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Throughout his ministry, he pastored churches in both Kansas and Oklahoma and served as Superintendent of the Kansas Conference for over 20 years. In his spare time, he enjoyed studying the Bible, carpentry, and gardening. His greatest enjoyment came from spending time with his children and grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his daughter, Betty Hardesty; and an infant daughter; one sister, Maxine Coker; and one brother, Johnny Zenger.
James is survived by his wife of nearly 71 years, Velma Zenger of Oklahoma City; three daughters, Sharon Lauzet of Okarche, Janet Hooks and husband, Wallace, of Edmond, and Helen McDowell and husband, Lee, of Blanchard; one son, James “Jim” M. Zenger, Jr. and wife, Rita, of Briscoe, Texas; seven grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; one sister, Mae Ingram of Checotah; and many other relatives and friends.
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p. m., Monday, July 11, 2016, at the funeral home. Funeral service will be at 10 a. m., Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church, 206 South Janeway Avenue, Moore, Oklahoma.
Interment will follow in the Blanchard Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Southwestern Christian University, P.O. Box 340, Bethany, OK 73008. Arrangements are under the direction of Eisenhour Funeral Home of Blanchard. Online obituary and guestbook are available at www.eisenhourfh.com.
Monday, July 11, 2016
6 to 8 p. m.
Eisenhour Funeral Home
2500 N. Council Avenue
Blanchard, Oklahoma 73010
Funeral Service
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
10 a. m.
Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church
206 South Janeway Avenue
Moore, Oklahoma 73160
- “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence”(1 Timothy 2:1-2).
- Franklin Graham will hold special Facebook Live prayer events before the start of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions later this month. During each online event, he will speak to viewers, then pray for America’s presidential candidates, the convention, the upcoming elections and our nation.
“Our country is in trouble, and I don’t have a whole lot of faith in the political parties,” Franklin Graham said in a video posted on his Facebook page Monday.
He also referenced the tragic events of the past week: “Shootings, riots and protests now claim the headlines about America, and that’s heartbreaking,” he said. “We are in desperate need of Divine intervention. We need healing. Prayer is what can make a difference in America.”
The first live event will take place July 18 at noon EDT ahead of the RNC. Updates on this event as well as the start time for the DNC live prayer will post to Franklin Graham’s Facebook page.
“Be a part of this,” Franklin Graham said. “Wherever you are that day, I hope you will set your reminder to join us via your phone or your laptop. The Bible says that the prayers of one righteous person avails much (James 5:16). So if there are thousands of us calling out to God on behalf of our nation, can you imagine what He might do?”
0 Comments Hobert Howard has just posted a comment on your blog post, The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
Marquerite and Hobert Howard
Marguerite and I became acquainted with Brother Zenger once while on furlough from our ministry in India. He was really a "Friend to Missionaries." What a blessing he was to so many in Kansas and Oklahoma especially!
How wonderful it is to hear from Hobert and Marguerite Howard. They have never lost their fervor and love for India and World Missions in general. There reside in Greenville, SC. What a blessing these noble servants of the Lord to all of us. Keep on writing, Hobert. We love you and Marguerite.
0 Comments Lighten Up With Laughter7/11/2016
Prayer Positions
A priest, a minister and a guru sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby.
"Kneeling is definitely the best way to pray," the priest said.
"No," said the minister. "I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven."
"You're both wrong," the guru said. "The most effective prayer position is lying down on the floor."
The repairman could contain himself no longer. "Hey, fellas," he interrupted. "The best prayin' I ever did was when I was hangin' upside down from a telephone pole."
0 Comments Franklin and Frances Barrow have just posted a comment on your blog post, Your Prayers Are Requested for Pastor Ben Rose of Eden, NC, Who is scheduled to have laser Back Surgery for Spinal Stenosis on Saturday, July 23, in Greensboro, NC7/11/2016
We are praying for Pastor Ben Rose for complete restoration of his health.
We ask in the most Holy Sweet Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
We have lived in Florida for almost 40 years and have known Pastor Rose since 1984.
0 Comments Here is a must appointment to hear Children's Specialist, Dr. Ellen Eby Moore, speak about the importance of reaching Children for Christ7/11/2016
I have known Elllen Eby Moore since she was a child in Oklahoma City. Her father, Jim Eby, was one of our national youth and discipleship leaders. I noticed that Jim was influencing young men and women to a higher calling to devote themselves to the disciplines of the Christian faith. I was so impressed with what Jim was doing, I made space available at Southwestern College for his discipleship classes. One of his star disciples/students was Rick Hurst who was bright and talented. As I recall he worked closely with Bishop B.E. Underwood. Rick and I bonded as friends, and I often met with him when I traveled to Washington DC for Ecclesiastical Endorsers Conferences when I was Director/Endorser of Chaplains Ministries, IPHC.
I have said all of this to let you know that God has raised up Ellen Eby Moore, wife of Phillip Moore, the son of the Rev. Dr. Ronald Q. and Doris Moore, to help us as a denomination to reach our children in the most critical stage of their lives.
It is my desire that you will take time and watch this video that features Dr. Ellen Moore Eby as she speaks about the challenges and opportunities to reach the children in our local churches.
Unfortunately, I do not have a photo of Ellen. However, I do want you to see and hear her on this video. You will want to have a pen and paper to take notes. She says that there are things we know about children: "From Birth to age 13 is the most critical time of a person's development." In speaking about Childhood she says, "We get only one pass at it. It is crucial to the development of a person's life."
Click here to see this informative message from Dr. Ellen Eby Moore, a Children's Consultant to Discipleship Ministries. You will need to click on the upper right hand video, Kids Min. It does not give Ellen's name. You will be pleased to listen to a Christian leader who displays confidence, competence, and communication skills. Her experience in ministry to children is impressive. You and your local church will greatly benefit from what Ellen Moore Eby has to share and offer.
0 Comments Judith Pérez acaba de publicar un Comentario en tu entrada de Blog, An Update on Janice Robinson Russ7/11/2016
Wonderful news about our dear friend, Janice. Prayers are being answered and victory is near! Upon earnestly praying for a special need, and receiving the answer from the Lord . . . our caretaker at Emmanuel Bible School has a phrase which tops it off: "Well, we prayed, didn´t we?" Yes we prayed and will continue to hold Janice and Wesley up in our prayers.
Judith Pérez in Monterey, Mexico.
0 Comments Two comments on your blog post, The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
Jim and Peggy Eby, Houston, TX
"What a godly, humble, and gracious man with a real heart for God, love for people, and student of the Bible. Jim Zenger made the world a better place to live. He will be missed."
Ronald Q. and Doris Moore, Easley, SC
"Brother Zenger was a wonderful example of a true Christian gentleman . . . Always a warm smile and an encouraging word. He was a great Servant Leader. I am so thankful to God for putting Rev. James Zenger in my life.
"Our love and prayers are with the family. Ron and Doris Moore"
[A side note of interest: The youngest son of Ronald Q. and Doris Moore, Phillip, married Jim and Peggy Eby's only daughter, Ellen. What a blessing the Ebys and Moores are to the IPHC. Let us rejoice in the lives and ministries of these church leaders.]
0 Comments The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
The Rev. Mr. James Zenger
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger, 91, of Oklahoma City, formerly of Blanchard, died Friday, July 8, 2016, in Oklahoma City. The son of Henry Zenger and Lessie (Smith) Zenger, he was born on April 27, 1925 in Lookeba, Oklahoma.
James married Velma Pauline Becker on September 1, 1945 in Aline, Oklahoma. He graduated from high school in 1950 in Rolla, Kansas. He was a member of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Throughout his ministry, he pastored churches in both Kansas and Oklahoma and served as Superintendent of the Kansas Conference for over 20 years. In his spare time, he enjoyed studying the Bible, carpentry, and gardening. His greatest enjoyment came from spending time with his children and grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his daughter, Betty Hardesty; and an infant daughter; one sister, Maxine Coker; and one brother, Johnny Zenger.
James is survived by his wife of nearly 71 years, Velma Zenger of Oklahoma City; three daughters, Sharon Lauzet of Okarche, Janet Hooks and husband, Wallace, of Edmond, and Helen McDowell and husband, Lee, of Blanchard; one son, James “Jim” M. Zenger, Jr. and wife, Rita, of Briscoe, Texas; seven grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; one sister, Mae Ingram of Checotah; and many other relatives and friends.
The family received friends from 6 to 8 p. m., Monday, July 11, 2016, at the funeral home. Funeral service will be at 10 a. m., Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church, 206 South Janeway Avenue, Moore, Oklahoma.
Interment will follow in the Blanchard Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Southwestern Christian University, P.O. Box 340, Bethany, OK 73008. Arrangements are under the direction of Eisenhour Funeral Home of Blanchard. Online obituary and guestbook are available at www.eisenhourfh.com.
Monday, July 11, 2016
6 to 8 p. m.
Eisenhour Funeral Home
2500 N. Council Avenue
Blanchard, Oklahoma 73010
Funeral Service
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
10 a. m.
Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church
206 South Janeway Avenue
Moore, Oklahoma 73160
0 Comments The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger has finished the race and kept the faith--Now he is in heaven with Jesus Christ forever7/11/2016
The Rev. Mr. James Zenger
The Rev. Mr. James Marlin Zenger, 91, of Oklahoma City, formerly of Blanchard, died Friday, July 8, 2016, in Oklahoma City. The son of Henry Zenger and Lessie (Smith) Zenger, he was born on April 27, 1925 in Lookeba, Oklahoma.
James married Velma Pauline Becker on September 1, 1945 in Aline, Oklahoma. He graduated from high school in 1950 in Rolla, Kansas. He was a member of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Throughout his ministry, he pastored churches in both Kansas and Oklahoma and served as Superintendent of the Kansas Conference for over 20 years. In his spare time, he enjoyed studying the Bible, carpentry, and gardening. His greatest enjoyment came from spending time with his children and grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his daughter, Betty Hardesty; and an infant daughter; one sister, Maxine Coker; and one brother, Johnny Zenger.
James is survived by his wife of nearly 71 years, Velma Zenger of Oklahoma City; three daughters, Sharon Lauzet of Okarche, Janet Hooks and husband, Wallace, of Edmond, and Helen McDowell and husband, Lee, of Blanchard; one son, James “Jim” M. Zenger, Jr. and wife, Rita, of Briscoe, Texas; seven grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; one sister, Mae Ingram of Checotah; and many other relatives and friends.
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p. m., Monday, July 11, 2016, at the funeral home. Funeral service will be at 10 a. m., Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church, 206 South Janeway Avenue, Moore, Oklahoma.
Interment will follow in the Blanchard Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Southwestern Christian University, P.O. Box 340, Bethany, OK 73008. Arrangements are under the direction of Eisenhour Funeral Home of Blanchard. Online obituary and guestbook are available at www.eisenhourfh.com.
Monday, July 11, 2016
6 to 8 p. m.
Eisenhour Funeral Home
2500 N. Council Avenue
Blanchard, Oklahoma 73010
Funeral Service
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
10 a. m.
Southgate Pentecostal Holiness Church
206 South Janeway Avenue
Moore, Oklahoma 73160
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