Sonship is the exclusive relationship between God and His children. From God's perspective the relationship was, is and will always be second to none. Biblical Sonship has to do with position, and not gender; it is a distinct place of privilege that God ordained for His entire family (male and female) on the earth.
A greater knowledge of our Sonship will lead to a richer understanding of the value of our position, purpose, place and destiny--both with God and in creation. Recognizing our true relationship with God. and our awareness of our rule in the earth, leads to a mindset shift that enables the children of God to glorify Him to the fullest, by walking in all the privileges, power, rights, and responsibilities inherit as the children of God.
This book, A Return to Sonship, was published November 30, 2015. Now is the time to place your order for this excellent book you will treasure and hold close to your heart.
The publisher is True Potential Publishers, Inc., P. O. Box 904, Traveler's Rest, SC 295690. Their website is: www.truepotentialmedia.com
Your may pre-order a book or books for $14.99 a copy. You can also order your copy or multi-copies of A Return to Sonship, through Amazon.Com.
The foreword was written by the Presiding Bishop of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Dr. Doug Beacham.
The preface was written by Bishop D. Chris Thompson, Vice Chairman, IPHC, and the Executive Director of Evangelism USA.
[Editor's comment: I have read Stacy D. Hilliard's book, A Return To Sonship, and I highly recommend that every Christian read it. I commend Stacy for putting in writing his deepest thoughts and meditations from his heart. This book provides a timely message in these perilous times when we need a fresh Word from God through His servant, Stacy D. Hilliard. It is my prayer that this book will be read by thousands of Christians who will greatly benefit from the reading and study of this excellent book.
Here is what I wrote about Stacy Hilliard's book, A Return to Sonship: "There are some men who walk closely with God, who hear His voice, who know His Word, and whose walk matches their talk. Stacy Hilliard is one of those rare men whom God has anointed to communicate His Word in these perilous times when we need a fresh Word from God. It is my firm belief that the Holy Spirit has given Stacy an insight or revelation about Sonship we have not heard before, and how we can benefit from this truth revealed in the entirety of the Bible. I commend Stacy for putting in writing his deepest thoughts and meditations from his heart that are based on the written (logos) Word of God. This book provides a timely message that needs to be read and heard by all Christians.
--Hugh H. Morgan, Editor, Hugh's News
A greater knowledge of our Sonship will lead to a richer understanding of the value of our position, purpose, place and destiny--both with God and in creation. Recognizing our true relationship with God. and our awareness of our rule in the earth, leads to a mindset shift that enables the children of God to glorify Him to the fullest, by walking in all the privileges, power, rights, and responsibilities inherit as the children of God.
This book, A Return to Sonship, was published November 30, 2015. Now is the time to place your order for this excellent book you will treasure and hold close to your heart.
The publisher is True Potential Publishers, Inc., P. O. Box 904, Traveler's Rest, SC 295690. Their website is: www.truepotentialmedia.com
Your may pre-order a book or books for $14.99 a copy. You can also order your copy or multi-copies of A Return to Sonship, through Amazon.Com.
The foreword was written by the Presiding Bishop of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Dr. Doug Beacham.
The preface was written by Bishop D. Chris Thompson, Vice Chairman, IPHC, and the Executive Director of Evangelism USA.
[Editor's comment: I have read Stacy D. Hilliard's book, A Return To Sonship, and I highly recommend that every Christian read it. I commend Stacy for putting in writing his deepest thoughts and meditations from his heart. This book provides a timely message in these perilous times when we need a fresh Word from God through His servant, Stacy D. Hilliard. It is my prayer that this book will be read by thousands of Christians who will greatly benefit from the reading and study of this excellent book.
Here is what I wrote about Stacy Hilliard's book, A Return to Sonship: "There are some men who walk closely with God, who hear His voice, who know His Word, and whose walk matches their talk. Stacy Hilliard is one of those rare men whom God has anointed to communicate His Word in these perilous times when we need a fresh Word from God. It is my firm belief that the Holy Spirit has given Stacy an insight or revelation about Sonship we have not heard before, and how we can benefit from this truth revealed in the entirety of the Bible. I commend Stacy for putting in writing his deepest thoughts and meditations from his heart that are based on the written (logos) Word of God. This book provides a timely message that needs to be read and heard by all Christians.
--Hugh H. Morgan, Editor, Hugh's News