Mr. Charles Tryon from Roswell, GA, visited the library at Emmanuel College briefly on October 21, 2015, while he was visiting in Franklin Springs.
He brought over a set of individual portraits of President and Mrs. W. G. Drum, a black and white photo of them, an older portrait of them and President Drum’s senior annual from Asbury College.
Not only did Mr. W. G. Drum attend and graduate from Asbury College (now Asbury University), but also, O. N. Todd, Jr. and John Moody Presley, a brother of Jackson and Charles Presley. It was a great privilege for me to attend Asbury College for one year, 1956-1957, but later returned to Wilmore, KY, to attend and graduate from Asbury Theological Seminary, 1960 to 1963. I married Melvine Stewart on August 13, 1960. and shortly after our honeymoon, we drove to Wilmore, KY, to begin my seminary education. Melvine taught school, and I worked part-time at the IGA Grocery Store in Wilmore owned by Mr. Fitch. He was a lay evangelist for the Methodist Church. What a soul-winner he was. If you would like to see a video of Fitch's IGA Grocery Store you may Click Here. Our landlord was Joe Fletcher, the butcher for the store. We lived in Joe and Joann Fletcher's basement apartment for three years--just one block form the store.
During my senior year, I was the minister of music for the Wilmore Presbyterian Church. I directed their choir, led the singing and provided special music for the Sunday evening worship services utilizing students from Asbury College and Asbury Theological Seminary. Melvine directed the children's choir.
Austina M. Jordan
Director of Library Services
Emmanuel College
Franklin Springs, GA 30639