Last June, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Obergefell in Obergefell v. Hodges, a decision that legalized gay marriage in all 50 states. I've been saying that 2015 is the year of pushback, and this might be the most significant act of pushing back so far: A group of legal scholars, most of them university professors, have declared that the Supreme Court's redefinition of marriage this past June 26 is not "the law of the land," and they are calling on all office holders, together with all presidential candidates, to join them in rejecting the Court's decision.
Make no mistake about it: This is really big news.
These scholars, who teach at schools like Princeton, Oxford, Notre Dame, Boston, Boston College, Michigan State, Kansas State, Vanderbilt, Hillsdale, the University of Toronto and the University of Nebraska, state that the Court's decision "has no more claim" to being the law of the land "than Dred Scott v. Sandford had when President Abraham Lincoln condemned that pro-slavery decision as an offense against the very Constitution that the Supreme Court justices responsible for that atrocious ruling purported to be upholding."
To read the whole story you may click here to go to the website to read what Michael Brown has written.
Let's pray for a continued spirit of revival in the church and awakening in the society.
Preserving the meaning of marriage and restoring the sacredness of marriage must be among our top priorities if we want to see America become healthy, and as disciples of Jesus, we can do nothing less.
This landmark action by these scholars could be another spark that will help fan the flames of a Gospel-based moral and cultural revolution.
On with it!
Michael Brown is the host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire and is the president of FIRE School of Ministry. His newest book is Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism Is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide. Connect with him on Facebook at AskDrBrown or on Twitter @drmichaellbrown.
Make no mistake about it: This is really big news.
These scholars, who teach at schools like Princeton, Oxford, Notre Dame, Boston, Boston College, Michigan State, Kansas State, Vanderbilt, Hillsdale, the University of Toronto and the University of Nebraska, state that the Court's decision "has no more claim" to being the law of the land "than Dred Scott v. Sandford had when President Abraham Lincoln condemned that pro-slavery decision as an offense against the very Constitution that the Supreme Court justices responsible for that atrocious ruling purported to be upholding."
To read the whole story you may click here to go to the website to read what Michael Brown has written.
Let's pray for a continued spirit of revival in the church and awakening in the society.
Preserving the meaning of marriage and restoring the sacredness of marriage must be among our top priorities if we want to see America become healthy, and as disciples of Jesus, we can do nothing less.
This landmark action by these scholars could be another spark that will help fan the flames of a Gospel-based moral and cultural revolution.
On with it!
Michael Brown is the host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire and is the president of FIRE School of Ministry. His newest book is Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism Is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide. Connect with him on Facebook at AskDrBrown or on Twitter @drmichaellbrown.