I didn’t know if you are aware of the big prayer rally that will be taking place next week in Los Angeles that is called “The Call-Azusa Now.” It is scheduled to take place in the Los Angeles Coliseum on April 9, 2016, exactly 110 years since the day that Pentecost came to the small group of people who were praying in the Bonnie Brae House to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Shortly thereafter, the crowds grew so large that the front porch collapsed and the revival moved to 312 Azusa Street, Los Angeles, California. I will be traveling out there to help represent the NC Conference of the IPHC and Azusa East. There are quite a few people going to this event from Eastern NC from a variety of denominations who trace their spiritual heritage to the ministry of G.B. Cashwell. Cashwell is the Pentecostal Holiness minister who visited Azusa Street in 1906 and then returned to Dunn, NC to hold a revival and preach the Pentecostal message. His ministry, as we know, sparked the Pentecostal movement in the South East and led to the eventual development of several Pentecostal denominations.
Members from the North Carolina group will be meeting in the Bonnie Brae House on the 6th and 7th to pray again for revival and will also lead in praise and prayer under a tent that will be pitched on the site of the original Azusa Street Mission from April 6-10. On April 9th the large event in the coliseum will take place. They are planning for 120,000 people to gather for a day of fasting and prayer over the nation and the church intermingled with some worship and preaching. The main purpose is to ask God for a fresh outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon America; a fulfillment of prophecy for a greater revival than the Azusa Street revival to visit America.
Bishop McGee is sending Steven Jones from the IPHC Headquarters to this event. I also know of another pastor from Tulsa, Oklahoma by the name of Norman Wilkie who will be attending.
Here is a link to further information on the event: http://www.thecall.com/azusa
Members from the North Carolina group will be meeting in the Bonnie Brae House on the 6th and 7th to pray again for revival and will also lead in praise and prayer under a tent that will be pitched on the site of the original Azusa Street Mission from April 6-10. On April 9th the large event in the coliseum will take place. They are planning for 120,000 people to gather for a day of fasting and prayer over the nation and the church intermingled with some worship and preaching. The main purpose is to ask God for a fresh outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon America; a fulfillment of prophecy for a greater revival than the Azusa Street revival to visit America.
Bishop McGee is sending Steven Jones from the IPHC Headquarters to this event. I also know of another pastor from Tulsa, Oklahoma by the name of Norman Wilkie who will be attending.
Here is a link to further information on the event: http://www.thecall.com/azusa