My parents, Hugh and Melvine Morgan, have been overjoyed by your response to my appeal to send Birthday Cards to them.
Many of you have enclosed a contribution to Hugh's News, Inc., the electronic newsletter, that my Dad has published now for 18 years. My dad is now 83 years old and my mom is two years younger. They have worked together as a team now for over 55 years in ministry. Dad could not put together these newsletters without her faithful support.
My dad looks forward to working on a Hugh's News daily. He has opened every Birthday and Christmas card you have sent. He and mom read every card, and some have sent photos of their children and families, as well as newsletters of what is happening in their lives. They take the time to pray over their friends and their families after reading the cards and newsletters.
In order to include you in this birthday and Christmas card greeting, I believe this opportunity to share with my parents should be extended to the end of December. We know you are busy as we are getting prepared for Christmas Day.
Your gifts or contributions are tax deductible, and now is a good time to give at the end of the year to maximize your ability to enjoy a tax exemption. Hugh's News is incorporated as a non-profit Christian corporation, and Hugh's News, Inc. has a 501 (C) (3) IRS Tax Exempt Status.
When writing a check or money order please make it out to Hugh's News, Inc., and send your letter to:
Hugh and Melvine Morgan
c/o Hugh's News, Inc,
17 Sweet Apple Lane
Winder, GA 30680-3349
(Please include your email address so my dad can sent you a "thank you" via an email response.)
You may give via Credit Card, too. Please look for the icons that are visible in this newsletter or click on Support Our Mission.
The goal my father has set for this fund drive is $7,000, We believe we can reach that goal by December 31. Thank you in advance for your giving to Hugh's News, Inc.
Many of you have enclosed a contribution to Hugh's News, Inc., the electronic newsletter, that my Dad has published now for 18 years. My dad is now 83 years old and my mom is two years younger. They have worked together as a team now for over 55 years in ministry. Dad could not put together these newsletters without her faithful support.
My dad looks forward to working on a Hugh's News daily. He has opened every Birthday and Christmas card you have sent. He and mom read every card, and some have sent photos of their children and families, as well as newsletters of what is happening in their lives. They take the time to pray over their friends and their families after reading the cards and newsletters.
In order to include you in this birthday and Christmas card greeting, I believe this opportunity to share with my parents should be extended to the end of December. We know you are busy as we are getting prepared for Christmas Day.
Your gifts or contributions are tax deductible, and now is a good time to give at the end of the year to maximize your ability to enjoy a tax exemption. Hugh's News is incorporated as a non-profit Christian corporation, and Hugh's News, Inc. has a 501 (C) (3) IRS Tax Exempt Status.
When writing a check or money order please make it out to Hugh's News, Inc., and send your letter to:
Hugh and Melvine Morgan
c/o Hugh's News, Inc,
17 Sweet Apple Lane
Winder, GA 30680-3349
(Please include your email address so my dad can sent you a "thank you" via an email response.)
You may give via Credit Card, too. Please look for the icons that are visible in this newsletter or click on Support Our Mission.
The goal my father has set for this fund drive is $7,000, We believe we can reach that goal by December 31. Thank you in advance for your giving to Hugh's News, Inc.