Recently, our Presiding Bishop Doug Beacham wrote,
"As most of you are aware, states are taking action regarding religious liberty and the changing sexual values in our nation. Governors and legislatures are under tremendous pressure from LGBT groups and the business world to surrender religious and practical liberties. While IPHC does not have a public position on these various state legislative actions, our position on marriage and sexuality is clear..."
I encourage you to download a copy of "Marriage and Sexual Morality" which is available on both the Cornerstone and IPHC websites.
The issue of bathrooms and gender identity is addressed in this document which was adopted by the COB. This statement reads as follows:
"Regarding gender orientation, it is the practice of the IPHC to treat a person according to the DNA structure of their birth. Regarding the use of bathroom facilities in a local congregation, a person should use the facilities appropriate to their natural born organs. If a person has had a surgical change of those organs, they should use the facilities that reflect the surgical change."
This is from the top of page 11 of the position paper. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us at the Cornerstone Conference Ministry Center.
"As most of you are aware, states are taking action regarding religious liberty and the changing sexual values in our nation. Governors and legislatures are under tremendous pressure from LGBT groups and the business world to surrender religious and practical liberties. While IPHC does not have a public position on these various state legislative actions, our position on marriage and sexuality is clear..."
I encourage you to download a copy of "Marriage and Sexual Morality" which is available on both the Cornerstone and IPHC websites.
The issue of bathrooms and gender identity is addressed in this document which was adopted by the COB. This statement reads as follows:
"Regarding gender orientation, it is the practice of the IPHC to treat a person according to the DNA structure of their birth. Regarding the use of bathroom facilities in a local congregation, a person should use the facilities appropriate to their natural born organs. If a person has had a surgical change of those organs, they should use the facilities that reflect the surgical change."
This is from the top of page 11 of the position paper. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us at the Cornerstone Conference Ministry Center.