Leigh Valentine and Gen. Jerry Boykin (Morningstar Ministries ) Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin (U.S. Army Ret.) doesn't pull any punches when he speaks about Israel these days. Either America stands with Israel in these end times or there will be certain retribution.
"If America does not support Israel, it will pay a price," Boykin said on a recent edition of Rick Joyner's MorningStarTV.com program. "Israel has become more and more isolated, including by America. I see anti-Semitism all over the world, and people are finding more and more reasons to be critical of Israel.
"But make know mistake about it. God is setting us up for the events of Revelation and Ezekiel 38 and 39."
Boykin says the setup is evident from the move of the Holy Spirit that is happening in Israel right now.
"We are seeing more and more Jews being completed and fulfilled," Boykin said. "I don't call them Messianic, I call them completed because they are now recognizing that their Messiah has come. You also have a movement of the enemy trying to suppress that, trying to stop what's happening there."
For Leigh Valentine's entire interview with Gen. Boykin, by clicking on: morningstartv.com.
[Editor's Comment: It was a great honor for me to nominate Lieutenant General William G. (Jerry) Boykin for the Centurion of the Year for 2009. He was elected by acclamation from active and current members of the Centurions, who are a vital part of the National Association of Evangelicals Chaplains Commission. Then, I was given the privilege and distinct honor to introduce this great American General of the United Sates Army.
The Centurion Award is presented annually to an individual who has demonstrated his support of the chaplaincy and its work among the men and women of our nation’s Armed Forces and civilian institutions.
Nominees include civilian and military leaders from around the world who recognize and champion the work of chaplains in the lives of the people they serve alongside.
Here is the introduction I wrote for the occasion and used as I introduced General Jerry Boykin at the Centurion Dinner Banquet hosted in the Alexandria Hilton Mark Center Hotel in Alexandria, VA, on January 6, 2009:
This year’s winner was commissioned into the United States Army in 1971 as an infantry officer. In 1978 he was selected as one of the original members of the Army’s elite Special Operations unit, Delta Force. He served Delta Force for 13 years and participated in nearly every high-profile counter-terrorism operation during that period.
He was later chosen as the commanding officer for Delta Force, and eventually selected to lead the Army’s Special Forces Command.
His distinguished military career also includes assignments in the Pentagon with the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Office of The Secretary of Defense.
His awards and decorations include the Defense Distinguished Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal and the Purple Heart.
Our speaker this evening retired from the Army in 2007 with the rank of Lieutenant General. This is the first time in my life that I have been privileged to introduce a Lieutenant General who is a member of my denomination. We are honored to have his pastor and his wife, The Rev. Dr. John and Fay Hedgepeth, Senior Pastor, Northwood Temple in Fayetteville, NC, here this evening.
Since his retirement he has founded Kingdom Warriors, a ministry designed to encourage Christians to “put on the whole armor of God” and fight for their faith.
Our speaker’s message resonates with men and women of all ages, and he has addressed church congregations, pastors’ conferences, men’s conferences, and college groups. He was also featured as a keynote speaker at the Epicenter 2008 conference in Jerusalem as well as on The 700 Club on CBN. He has appeared on FOX News, CNN, and MSNBC as a military commentator. In addition to his extensive ministry with Kingdom Warriors, he finds time to teach courses on ethics and national security at Hampden-Sydney College.
In 2008, he published his autobiography, Never Surrender: A Soldier’s Journey to the Crossroads of Faith and Freedom. This book has received rave reviews from an audience that appreciated his candid and personal discussion of the trials and triumphs that shaped his life as a Christian, father, husband, and longtime soldier.
He adores his charming wife, Ashley, who in turn is his most ardent supporter. They have five grown children between them and live in Farmville, Virginia.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Retired Army Lieutenant General William G. (Jerry) Boykin.
Will you join me in giving General Boykin a warm welcome?