In a face book communication, W. A. Mills wrote the following about the death of his dear wife, Rhronda:
“THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed fervently for my dear wife Rhonda Robertson- Mills. She told me last evening that she had not given up the fight to live but that she was very tired. Evidently, it was time for her toil to end, for she slipped out sometime during the night to be with our Lord. My heart is broken, but I know that her suffering has finally ended and she is at peace. Thank you for remembering our family during this sad but joyful time.”
As soon as I get the arrangements for Rhonda's funeral I will report it to you.
I want to thank my long time friends for alerting me to the death of Rhonda Mills. I got a call from Daneel le Roux who was in Washington, DC for a conference. Then, I receiving the following email from Hugh Hoyle, one of our distinguished IPHC Missionaries who is an ordained minister of the Cornerstone Conference, formerly known as the Western North Carolina Conference.
Hugh Hoyle sent the following email: "I just received notice and verified the Rhonda Robertson Mills wife of Pastor W.A. Mills of Buena Vista, VA, Passed away this morning. I will try to get you more information before you make it public."
It is because of people like Daneel le Roux and Hugh Hoyle that I get the fast-breaking news that I can then pass on to you in a form you can read and understand.
Thank your for being a subscriber to Hugh's News. It is indeed my joy to serve you.
“THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed fervently for my dear wife Rhonda Robertson- Mills. She told me last evening that she had not given up the fight to live but that she was very tired. Evidently, it was time for her toil to end, for she slipped out sometime during the night to be with our Lord. My heart is broken, but I know that her suffering has finally ended and she is at peace. Thank you for remembering our family during this sad but joyful time.”
As soon as I get the arrangements for Rhonda's funeral I will report it to you.
I want to thank my long time friends for alerting me to the death of Rhonda Mills. I got a call from Daneel le Roux who was in Washington, DC for a conference. Then, I receiving the following email from Hugh Hoyle, one of our distinguished IPHC Missionaries who is an ordained minister of the Cornerstone Conference, formerly known as the Western North Carolina Conference.
Hugh Hoyle sent the following email: "I just received notice and verified the Rhonda Robertson Mills wife of Pastor W.A. Mills of Buena Vista, VA, Passed away this morning. I will try to get you more information before you make it public."
It is because of people like Daneel le Roux and Hugh Hoyle that I get the fast-breaking news that I can then pass on to you in a form you can read and understand.
Thank your for being a subscriber to Hugh's News. It is indeed my joy to serve you.