My webmaster, Mel Tinney, who resides in Pepin, WS, has come up with a solution to a problem that has been happening to some of our subscribers. When you forward Hugh's News using your email address, in some cases the recipient of your email with that forward which has our newsletter inadvertently has unsubscribed you from Hugh's News.
It was not their intend to do that, but we have had enough of such unfortunate incidences that we want to bring a halt to that from happening to anyone now or in the future.
You can now use this link at the top of each newsletter rather than forwarding your personal eMail which will prevent people from unintentionally unsubscribing you.
If you know of anyone who tells you that they are no longer receiving Hugh's News, please tell them to go to Hugh Morgan's website: www.hughsnews.com, and subscribe once again. It is rather easy to do. We only ask two questions: Your Name and Your eMail Address.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you, and implore you to bear with us, and accept our apology in the spirit of humility in which we appeal to you. Losing any subscriber through glitches and technological accidents brings grief to the editor, Hugh Morgan. We really need your help. We want to thank you for helping us solve this problem of subscriptions.
It was not their intend to do that, but we have had enough of such unfortunate incidences that we want to bring a halt to that from happening to anyone now or in the future.
You can now use this link at the top of each newsletter rather than forwarding your personal eMail which will prevent people from unintentionally unsubscribing you.
If you know of anyone who tells you that they are no longer receiving Hugh's News, please tell them to go to Hugh Morgan's website: www.hughsnews.com, and subscribe once again. It is rather easy to do. We only ask two questions: Your Name and Your eMail Address.
We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you, and implore you to bear with us, and accept our apology in the spirit of humility in which we appeal to you. Losing any subscriber through glitches and technological accidents brings grief to the editor, Hugh Morgan. We really need your help. We want to thank you for helping us solve this problem of subscriptions.