The Rev. Dr.. Frank Tunstall is a gift to the IPHC. He is a Bible scholar, an author, church historian, a former Editor of The Advocate, former college president, church planter and pastor, and conference superintendent. He is a gifted and talented writer. In addition, he is currently a contributing writer for Hugh's News. I am in the process of reading a new book he has just had published entitled, Jesus, Son of God. This book covers chapters 6:1 - 12:11 of the Gospel of John. It is worth reading and using as a great resource in your personal library. You soul and spirit will soar as he methodically expounds the written record that John the beloved apostle wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit called the Gospel of John.
As we prepare our minds and hearts to celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, let me share with you a story Dr. Tunstall tells about a surprise return of a husband and father to his family from the first war in Iraq. It speaks eloquently, too, of being ready for the coming of Jesus Christ when He will soon come to catch away His Bride, the Church, out of this sinful world prior to the Great Tribulation mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
And now for this beautiful story as told by Frank Tunstall, my highly esteemed friend who resides in Oklahoma City:
Bobby Robbins was an Air Force pilot during the first Iraq War. After his 300th mission, he was surprised to receive permission to pull his crew together immediately and fly his plane home.
They soared across the ocean to Massachusetts and then had a long drive to western Pennsylvania. They drove all night, and when his buddies dropped him off at his driveway just after sun-up, there was a big banner across the garage--"WELCOME HOME DAD!"
How did they know? No one had called, and the crew themselves hadn't expected to leave so quickly. Robbins relates, "When I walked into the house, the kids, almost half dressed for school, creamed "Daddy!"
Susan came running down the hall--she looked terrific--hair fixed, make-up on, and a crisp yellow dress.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"I didn't," she answered through tears of joy. "Once we knew the war was about over, we knew you'd be home one of these days. We also knew you'd try to surprise us, so we were ready every day!" (page 47)
Frank Tunstall, Jesus Son of God, Tate Publishing and Enterprises, LLC, © 2015, by Great Command Ministries. All rights reserved
As we prepare our minds and hearts to celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, let me share with you a story Dr. Tunstall tells about a surprise return of a husband and father to his family from the first war in Iraq. It speaks eloquently, too, of being ready for the coming of Jesus Christ when He will soon come to catch away His Bride, the Church, out of this sinful world prior to the Great Tribulation mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
And now for this beautiful story as told by Frank Tunstall, my highly esteemed friend who resides in Oklahoma City:
Bobby Robbins was an Air Force pilot during the first Iraq War. After his 300th mission, he was surprised to receive permission to pull his crew together immediately and fly his plane home.
They soared across the ocean to Massachusetts and then had a long drive to western Pennsylvania. They drove all night, and when his buddies dropped him off at his driveway just after sun-up, there was a big banner across the garage--"WELCOME HOME DAD!"
How did they know? No one had called, and the crew themselves hadn't expected to leave so quickly. Robbins relates, "When I walked into the house, the kids, almost half dressed for school, creamed "Daddy!"
Susan came running down the hall--she looked terrific--hair fixed, make-up on, and a crisp yellow dress.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"I didn't," she answered through tears of joy. "Once we knew the war was about over, we knew you'd be home one of these days. We also knew you'd try to surprise us, so we were ready every day!" (page 47)
Frank Tunstall, Jesus Son of God, Tate Publishing and Enterprises, LLC, © 2015, by Great Command Ministries. All rights reserved