We have two peach trees that have produced at least a thousand or more peaches this year. Unbelievable, but true.
The harvest is so great it bent over the tall limbs to the ground loaded with peaches, some limbs were broken. Why did this happen? I guess it is because I did not properly prune these trees when I was supposed to do it. As a result these ripened peaches that have fallen to the ground have attracted at least a couple of deer families--two large Does with their Bambis. Where the Bucks were, I have no idea. What a sight to behold. They are ever so cautious, heads bobbing up and down, looking here and there, always on alert for danger--an enemy, someone to threaten their very existence.
Melvine and I have a modest home out in the rural section of Winder, Georgia, near unto Statham, Bogart, and Athens. When Dr. Jerry B. Walker, a great Pentecostal/Charismatic evangelist was alive and visited us, he would call our home--Hugh and Melvine's Honeymoon Cottage.
As we sit in our Florida Room, where Melvine has allowed me to have my office, we are able to see some wonderful things. We have a number of bird feeders and a bird bath. Birds of all sorts frequent our back yard. I have two blue bird houses in our back yard and one in our front yard. On the beauty of the males in their coat of blue. It is awesome to see a flock of yellow finches, and robins, too. I have seen more than a hundred robins in my back yard. Normally, Robins like our front yard that is on the west side. Our Florida Room faces the East. We are blessed to see the most beautiful sunrise scenes you will ever want to see. Truly, the Psalmist described it accurately when he wrote, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork" (Psalm 19:1, KJV).
The harvest is so great it bent over the tall limbs to the ground loaded with peaches, some limbs were broken. Why did this happen? I guess it is because I did not properly prune these trees when I was supposed to do it. As a result these ripened peaches that have fallen to the ground have attracted at least a couple of deer families--two large Does with their Bambis. Where the Bucks were, I have no idea. What a sight to behold. They are ever so cautious, heads bobbing up and down, looking here and there, always on alert for danger--an enemy, someone to threaten their very existence.
Melvine and I have a modest home out in the rural section of Winder, Georgia, near unto Statham, Bogart, and Athens. When Dr. Jerry B. Walker, a great Pentecostal/Charismatic evangelist was alive and visited us, he would call our home--Hugh and Melvine's Honeymoon Cottage.
As we sit in our Florida Room, where Melvine has allowed me to have my office, we are able to see some wonderful things. We have a number of bird feeders and a bird bath. Birds of all sorts frequent our back yard. I have two blue bird houses in our back yard and one in our front yard. On the beauty of the males in their coat of blue. It is awesome to see a flock of yellow finches, and robins, too. I have seen more than a hundred robins in my back yard. Normally, Robins like our front yard that is on the west side. Our Florida Room faces the East. We are blessed to see the most beautiful sunrise scenes you will ever want to see. Truly, the Psalmist described it accurately when he wrote, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork" (Psalm 19:1, KJV).