You will be able to navigate through Lonnie Rex's amazing website: www.LonnieRex.com
Don’t miss the Herman Bailey TV Show with Lonnie and Betty Rex and their adorable dog Mattie.
You will enjoy the interview that Herman Bailey and his wife gave to his television audience.
Lonnie Rex is for real. He is one of the most outstanding men in the 20th Century who brought humanitarian assistant to millions of people in times of natural disasters. His compassion for hurting people started as a child when his father, the late Rev. Dr. Robert L. Rex, preached about the lad who gave his lunch to Jesus to feed the multitudes.
Lonnie Rex is the son of a Pentecostal Holiness preacher, evangelist, pastor, church planter, writer and author, who became a general executive official of this great classical Pentecostal denomination with 3.8 million people in 103 countries around the world where he was the executive director of Evangelism and World Missions.
As a young boy Lonnie was stricken with Polio. His life was in the balance and he was not expected to live. However, his parents’ prayers touched the heart of God to spare his life and he lived to overcome this physical challenge with his faith in God.
Through the preaching of his father, Lonnie’s heart was captured by the story of the lad who willing gave his lunch to Jesus that his mother had prepared for him of five barley loaves and two small fish. Jesus blessed the loaves and fish and fed 5,000 men, notwithstanding the women and the children. That story became Lonnie’s burning desire to give what he had to Jesus, and became the motivating force in the extensive ministries God gave him over many years of humanitarian service around the world.
Lonnie never asked anything from God for himself, but prayed that God would give him ideas, concepts, and wisdom to be used to help others. He believed God could use him as He did the lad in the Gospel narrative to bless others.
For many years he served some well-known American evangelists in their ministries through tent crusades, large auditoriums, radio and television.
God gifted Lonnie to be one of the foremost fund raisers of the 20th Century through letter writing that funded the gigantic costs of mass evangelism and healing ministries. His writing style touched the hearts of people to give generously, and God blessed his every effort to help others through these various ministries.
Meanwhile, God led him to be the founder of the David Livingstone Foundation that has brought food, clothing, shelter, and education, as well as financial, medical and spiritual resources to people of many nations. He provided boats and personnel to carry Vietnamese refugees to safety, and saved countless thousands of lives. He has provided medicines, medical supplies, ambulances, built clinics, hospitals, and orphanages to the glory of God and the good to mankind.
Little did I know when I met him at the National Pentecostal Holiness Church in Washington, DC in 1954 that God would use him in such outstanding ways to bless people around the world who were in desperate need. That friendship has lasted all these intervening years and to this day.
Don’t miss the Herman Bailey TV Show with Lonnie and Betty Rex and their adorable dog Mattie.
You will enjoy the interview that Herman Bailey and his wife gave to his television audience.
Lonnie Rex is for real. He is one of the most outstanding men in the 20th Century who brought humanitarian assistant to millions of people in times of natural disasters. His compassion for hurting people started as a child when his father, the late Rev. Dr. Robert L. Rex, preached about the lad who gave his lunch to Jesus to feed the multitudes.
Lonnie Rex is the son of a Pentecostal Holiness preacher, evangelist, pastor, church planter, writer and author, who became a general executive official of this great classical Pentecostal denomination with 3.8 million people in 103 countries around the world where he was the executive director of Evangelism and World Missions.
As a young boy Lonnie was stricken with Polio. His life was in the balance and he was not expected to live. However, his parents’ prayers touched the heart of God to spare his life and he lived to overcome this physical challenge with his faith in God.
Through the preaching of his father, Lonnie’s heart was captured by the story of the lad who willing gave his lunch to Jesus that his mother had prepared for him of five barley loaves and two small fish. Jesus blessed the loaves and fish and fed 5,000 men, notwithstanding the women and the children. That story became Lonnie’s burning desire to give what he had to Jesus, and became the motivating force in the extensive ministries God gave him over many years of humanitarian service around the world.
Lonnie never asked anything from God for himself, but prayed that God would give him ideas, concepts, and wisdom to be used to help others. He believed God could use him as He did the lad in the Gospel narrative to bless others.
For many years he served some well-known American evangelists in their ministries through tent crusades, large auditoriums, radio and television.
God gifted Lonnie to be one of the foremost fund raisers of the 20th Century through letter writing that funded the gigantic costs of mass evangelism and healing ministries. His writing style touched the hearts of people to give generously, and God blessed his every effort to help others through these various ministries.
Meanwhile, God led him to be the founder of the David Livingstone Foundation that has brought food, clothing, shelter, and education, as well as financial, medical and spiritual resources to people of many nations. He provided boats and personnel to carry Vietnamese refugees to safety, and saved countless thousands of lives. He has provided medicines, medical supplies, ambulances, built clinics, hospitals, and orphanages to the glory of God and the good to mankind.
Little did I know when I met him at the National Pentecostal Holiness Church in Washington, DC in 1954 that God would use him in such outstanding ways to bless people around the world who were in desperate need. That friendship has lasted all these intervening years and to this day.