It has been my privilege to meet and hear Jim Garlow. He, like me, holds an earned Master of Divinity (M Div) from Asbury Theological Seminary. He has a great article in the October issue of Charisma magazine to which I subscribe. This article is so important that I feel compelled to share it with you who may not read Charisma. It begins on page 40 and concludes on page 42.
There is a large photo of Hillary on page 41 with these keen words of wisdom: “As a pastor, I would rather deal with a church attendee who is blatant and brash in his sinning than one who is devious, lying, cunning and deceptive.”
Here is what Pastor Jim Garlow wrote:
“The Democrat and Republican party platforms are as different as night and day, in my opinion, as as far apart as evil vs. good. I don't care for the “right vs. left” nomenclature, mind you. I am far more concerned with 'right vs. wrong.'
“The 51-page Democrat Party platform is the most leftist ever. It contains antilbiblical points. It is thoroughly socialistic—a socialist is a communist with a gun—and decimated God's definition of marriage and morality.
“By contrast, the 54-page GOP platform is one of the strongest-ever Republican platforms. A Biblically alert, Spiritually literate person could be comfortable with almost all of it. If a person is not drawn to the 'top of the ballot' candidate, they ought to at least consider voting for the candidate attached to the best party platform.
“This election, both candidates are flawed. We all know that. But permit me an analogy. As a pastor, I would rather deal with a church attendee who is blatant and brash in his sinning that one who is devious, lying, cunning and deceptive. Both are problematic, but one is easier to deal with than the other. If I were a pastor bringing correction to a parishioner, I would prefer dealing with a 'Trump type' over a 'Hillary type' any day. That's because the chances of making progress with the 'Trump type' are many times greater.
“Consider the second analogy. When my late wife's remarkable and much-loved oncologist said, 'Don't take Carol to that alternative (non-FDA approved) treatment.' I asked, 'Why not?' He warned me of 'the unknown.'
“Doctor, your 'known' is much worse than the alternative treatment's 'unknown,' I told him, and I took her for alternative treatment.
“One year later, the same oncologist went to the alternative doctor to discover why Carol had improved so much. While this alternative treatment did not ultimately save her life, it likely stretched two or three years of life to six.
“Here's the application of the analogy: Hillary's 'known' is considerably worse—many times over—than Trump's 'unknown.'
This is Demonic at Its Core
“Trump has lots of sins in his past (actually, we all do) and, in the present, says things he should not say. I make no attempt to defend his inappropriate comments. Although America has has dome scandal ridden candidates in its history, we have never seen any one major party candidate more constantly scandalous as Hillary and her husband. She seems to exceed all previous boundaries of wrongdoing.
“The scandals just don't stop. In the same way that we did not take time to list all of Trump's misstatements, neither will we here rehash the seemingly continuous string of horrific scandals of the Clintons. While I do not excuse Trump's wrongful words or his past personal behavior, I am more deeply concerned with Hillary's devious and illegal actions.
“Is this 'voting for the lesser of two evils?' All elections—until Jesus is on the ballot—are about voting for the 'lessor of two evils.' The human heart is wicked, according to Jeremiah 17:9. Sin has impacted every human.
“My observation is that 'Trump is slowing being surrounded by increasingly good people. Can these good people impact him? We will see. In contrast, I see no reason for any encour-agreement regarding the people surrounding Hillary.
“I believe Trump is right on approximately 75 percent of the issues. I wish it were 100 percent. I am in hopes about those beginning to surround him can help him connect the dots on more issues. In contrast, Hillary is wrong on—how do I say this nicely?--essentially 100 percent of the issues.
“This next issue might be one of the most important ones, but I suspect few will understand its significance. Trump opposes globalism. Hillary thrives on it. Globalism is far more than 'geographic' or 'eliminating national borders and boundaries.' It is spiritual, that is, demonic at its core. Few, very few, understand this. This is quite likely one of the main reasons Trump is hated. Do your homework on this one.
“Not voting is not a viable option, contrary to what the 'purists' claim. I do not intend to begin a war on this issue, I know that some radically disagree with this. It sounds noble. Given the reality that it helps the chance of a Hillary Clinton presidency, it is not noble. It is wrong.
“Voting for a third party candidate is—regardless of what is said—a complete throw away. No third party candidate will be elected or even come close to being elected. And yes, this matters to me. For the record, the Libertarian ticket—Gary Johnson and William Weld—is nearly as bad on many issues as Hillary.
Hillary's Strong Delusion
“Trump has moved to a pro-life position. I wish he were as visceral about this issue as he should be. Hillary is pro-baby killing, prides herself on that, and honors an organization, Planned Parenthood, that actually traffics parts from dead babies it has killed. This is below anything we have seen since Nazi Germany. The gall of Hillary!
“The Clinton's have evaded justice for decades and likely will continue to do so. But they will someday stand before the Great White Throne. They will have to give account of their support of ripping babies to shreds in the womb. For the record, those who vote for candidates who support genocide of pre-born babies also have to give an account.
“Trump wants to defend the nation, which is the purpose of government. Hillary had a horrific track record as secretary of state, and due to hundreds of millions of dollars given to her and her husband's foundation, she is beholden to those to those who want us dead. Trump will label 'Islamic terrorism' what it is. Hillary in the spirit of Obama's denial, cannot bring herself to honesty on this issue.
“Hillary claims 'everything is fine,' in America. This defies every single fact, but facts have never been an interest of Hillary's. Trump understands that it is 11:59 p. m. on the 'cultural clock.' America is near the end—morally, economically, militarily and, sadly, spiritually. There are very clear, identifiable indicators—measurable ones—that America is no longer the world's leading power. That day is over. Hillary will hasten the final destruction. Trump could either slow down or possibly, with God's help reverse it. Maybe.
“Trump as a businessman, will address massive government spending. Hillary will expand it above the existing unsustainable debt the U.S, carries (almost $20 trillion, plus unfunded liabilities to Social Security.
“Trump will expose—and I pray,, bring down –'the systemic evil' (i. e., cronyism, deceit, misuse, and abuse of capitalism) that reigns among many high-dollar lobbyists. He understands 'the system' because he participated in it. Hillary thrives because of the lobbyists. How did the Clintons go from being 'broke'--her word—to worth potentially $100 million in just a few years? Not from building a business!
“Trump will stop the massive over-reach of government. Hillary will extend it.
Freedoms come in 3s
“Freedoms come in threes. Political, economic, and religious freedoms coexist. Take one away, and the other two will eventually disappear. One cannot exist without the other two. The genius of America is that it had all three—until recently.
“Trump fully grasps the loss of religious liberty. I have heard him speak on it in person on several occasions. He knows that economic and political freedoms are evaporating. He will reverse that. Hillary will decimate all three.
“Someone will have to help Trump connect the dots that the massive loss of the First Amendment religious liberties is coming primarily—from one source: the coercion of a sodomite and trans-sexual agenda coded as LGBTQ—on American culture. To this point, he has not made the connection.
“Every rational person knows the Supreme Court appointments are permanent. Trump has listed 11 superb potential nominees. Hillary's appointments would snuff out the tiny vestige of the three freedoms that are left.
“These are my perceptions. You do not have to agree with them. Once again, I make no excuse for wrongdoing, or wrongful, hurtful words from either candidate. Candidly, I want King Jesus. I want Him to rule here—now. That day is not fully manifested—yet. So we prayerfully navigate this challenging election to honor Jesus.
Jim Garlow is pastor of Skyview Church and co-founder of “The Jefferson Gathering”a worship service for congressmen in the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Watch him online at
Reprinted from Charisma Magazine, 600 Rinehart Rd., Lake Mary, FL 32746. Used by permission.
There is a large photo of Hillary on page 41 with these keen words of wisdom: “As a pastor, I would rather deal with a church attendee who is blatant and brash in his sinning than one who is devious, lying, cunning and deceptive.”
Here is what Pastor Jim Garlow wrote:
“The Democrat and Republican party platforms are as different as night and day, in my opinion, as as far apart as evil vs. good. I don't care for the “right vs. left” nomenclature, mind you. I am far more concerned with 'right vs. wrong.'
“The 51-page Democrat Party platform is the most leftist ever. It contains antilbiblical points. It is thoroughly socialistic—a socialist is a communist with a gun—and decimated God's definition of marriage and morality.
“By contrast, the 54-page GOP platform is one of the strongest-ever Republican platforms. A Biblically alert, Spiritually literate person could be comfortable with almost all of it. If a person is not drawn to the 'top of the ballot' candidate, they ought to at least consider voting for the candidate attached to the best party platform.
“This election, both candidates are flawed. We all know that. But permit me an analogy. As a pastor, I would rather deal with a church attendee who is blatant and brash in his sinning that one who is devious, lying, cunning and deceptive. Both are problematic, but one is easier to deal with than the other. If I were a pastor bringing correction to a parishioner, I would prefer dealing with a 'Trump type' over a 'Hillary type' any day. That's because the chances of making progress with the 'Trump type' are many times greater.
“Consider the second analogy. When my late wife's remarkable and much-loved oncologist said, 'Don't take Carol to that alternative (non-FDA approved) treatment.' I asked, 'Why not?' He warned me of 'the unknown.'
“Doctor, your 'known' is much worse than the alternative treatment's 'unknown,' I told him, and I took her for alternative treatment.
“One year later, the same oncologist went to the alternative doctor to discover why Carol had improved so much. While this alternative treatment did not ultimately save her life, it likely stretched two or three years of life to six.
“Here's the application of the analogy: Hillary's 'known' is considerably worse—many times over—than Trump's 'unknown.'
This is Demonic at Its Core
“Trump has lots of sins in his past (actually, we all do) and, in the present, says things he should not say. I make no attempt to defend his inappropriate comments. Although America has has dome scandal ridden candidates in its history, we have never seen any one major party candidate more constantly scandalous as Hillary and her husband. She seems to exceed all previous boundaries of wrongdoing.
“The scandals just don't stop. In the same way that we did not take time to list all of Trump's misstatements, neither will we here rehash the seemingly continuous string of horrific scandals of the Clintons. While I do not excuse Trump's wrongful words or his past personal behavior, I am more deeply concerned with Hillary's devious and illegal actions.
“Is this 'voting for the lesser of two evils?' All elections—until Jesus is on the ballot—are about voting for the 'lessor of two evils.' The human heart is wicked, according to Jeremiah 17:9. Sin has impacted every human.
“My observation is that 'Trump is slowing being surrounded by increasingly good people. Can these good people impact him? We will see. In contrast, I see no reason for any encour-agreement regarding the people surrounding Hillary.
“I believe Trump is right on approximately 75 percent of the issues. I wish it were 100 percent. I am in hopes about those beginning to surround him can help him connect the dots on more issues. In contrast, Hillary is wrong on—how do I say this nicely?--essentially 100 percent of the issues.
“This next issue might be one of the most important ones, but I suspect few will understand its significance. Trump opposes globalism. Hillary thrives on it. Globalism is far more than 'geographic' or 'eliminating national borders and boundaries.' It is spiritual, that is, demonic at its core. Few, very few, understand this. This is quite likely one of the main reasons Trump is hated. Do your homework on this one.
“Not voting is not a viable option, contrary to what the 'purists' claim. I do not intend to begin a war on this issue, I know that some radically disagree with this. It sounds noble. Given the reality that it helps the chance of a Hillary Clinton presidency, it is not noble. It is wrong.
“Voting for a third party candidate is—regardless of what is said—a complete throw away. No third party candidate will be elected or even come close to being elected. And yes, this matters to me. For the record, the Libertarian ticket—Gary Johnson and William Weld—is nearly as bad on many issues as Hillary.
Hillary's Strong Delusion
“Trump has moved to a pro-life position. I wish he were as visceral about this issue as he should be. Hillary is pro-baby killing, prides herself on that, and honors an organization, Planned Parenthood, that actually traffics parts from dead babies it has killed. This is below anything we have seen since Nazi Germany. The gall of Hillary!
“The Clinton's have evaded justice for decades and likely will continue to do so. But they will someday stand before the Great White Throne. They will have to give account of their support of ripping babies to shreds in the womb. For the record, those who vote for candidates who support genocide of pre-born babies also have to give an account.
“Trump wants to defend the nation, which is the purpose of government. Hillary had a horrific track record as secretary of state, and due to hundreds of millions of dollars given to her and her husband's foundation, she is beholden to those to those who want us dead. Trump will label 'Islamic terrorism' what it is. Hillary in the spirit of Obama's denial, cannot bring herself to honesty on this issue.
“Hillary claims 'everything is fine,' in America. This defies every single fact, but facts have never been an interest of Hillary's. Trump understands that it is 11:59 p. m. on the 'cultural clock.' America is near the end—morally, economically, militarily and, sadly, spiritually. There are very clear, identifiable indicators—measurable ones—that America is no longer the world's leading power. That day is over. Hillary will hasten the final destruction. Trump could either slow down or possibly, with God's help reverse it. Maybe.
“Trump as a businessman, will address massive government spending. Hillary will expand it above the existing unsustainable debt the U.S, carries (almost $20 trillion, plus unfunded liabilities to Social Security.
“Trump will expose—and I pray,, bring down –'the systemic evil' (i. e., cronyism, deceit, misuse, and abuse of capitalism) that reigns among many high-dollar lobbyists. He understands 'the system' because he participated in it. Hillary thrives because of the lobbyists. How did the Clintons go from being 'broke'--her word—to worth potentially $100 million in just a few years? Not from building a business!
“Trump will stop the massive over-reach of government. Hillary will extend it.
Freedoms come in 3s
“Freedoms come in threes. Political, economic, and religious freedoms coexist. Take one away, and the other two will eventually disappear. One cannot exist without the other two. The genius of America is that it had all three—until recently.
“Trump fully grasps the loss of religious liberty. I have heard him speak on it in person on several occasions. He knows that economic and political freedoms are evaporating. He will reverse that. Hillary will decimate all three.
“Someone will have to help Trump connect the dots that the massive loss of the First Amendment religious liberties is coming primarily—from one source: the coercion of a sodomite and trans-sexual agenda coded as LGBTQ—on American culture. To this point, he has not made the connection.
“Every rational person knows the Supreme Court appointments are permanent. Trump has listed 11 superb potential nominees. Hillary's appointments would snuff out the tiny vestige of the three freedoms that are left.
“These are my perceptions. You do not have to agree with them. Once again, I make no excuse for wrongdoing, or wrongful, hurtful words from either candidate. Candidly, I want King Jesus. I want Him to rule here—now. That day is not fully manifested—yet. So we prayerfully navigate this challenging election to honor Jesus.
Jim Garlow is pastor of Skyview Church and co-founder of “The Jefferson Gathering”a worship service for congressmen in the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Watch him online at
Reprinted from Charisma Magazine, 600 Rinehart Rd., Lake Mary, FL 32746. Used by permission.