On Sunday, March 13, I suffered severe stomach pain. Donna got me to the ER at the Atmore Community Hospital where I was admitted. In the next two or three days tests were run and two doctors were consulted about what to do. They discovered the small intestine had been twisted and caused an obstruction of the bowel. The doctors were concerned about how an 86-year-old man could tolerate surgery. Late Tuesday afternoon they decided there was no other option but surgery. I later learned from the doctors that it was a life or death situation. One doctor said that if they had not operated I would have died a slow, painful death. The other gave me one to two days to live. They did the surgery and I came out okay.
In the experience I felt that I waded down to the Jordan River. I expected to cross over and hear Andre Crouch sing, "To God Be The Glory."
But God in His providence decided I was not ready to cross Jordan. Therefore, I traveled back to the land of the living and now I can listen to Wiley Clark sing, "When He Was On The Cross, I was On His Mind."
I am involved in several weeks of recovery. I would appreciate it if you would mention me in your prayers.
I love you a lot.
Leon Stewart
Hugh: Hope you are doing well with your pacemaker.
[Editor's Comment: Just a soon as I got this email, dictated to Miss Donna, and composed on the computer keyboard, I called their home in Atmore, Alabama. I talked with Miss Donna, Bishop Stewart's wife. Bishop Stewart is not taking phone calls at present. He is very weak and Miss Donna is his spokesman or should I say, Spokeswoman?
I ask you to join me and a multitude of IPHC folks and friends of our denomination to lift up our former Bishop Leon O. Stewart in prayer for his complete and full healing.
We believe that all healing is of God. The Church’s healing ministry in no way detracts from the gifts God gives through medicine and surgery. It is no substitute for either medicine or the proper care of one’s health. Rather, it adds to our total resources for wholeness.
Let me share one Scripture verse on healing from the Bible: 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24, “May God Himself, the God Who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One Who called you is completely dependable. If He said it. He will do it! (The Message, Eugene H. Peterson).
You may wish to send a card or letter of encouragement to Bishop Stewart. Miss Donna needs our prayers as well. We all face crises in our lives with accompanying anxiety and stress. Therefore, we need to pray one for another.
Here is the mailing address:
Bishop and Mrs. Leon O. Stewart
1112 Fridge Drive
Atmore, AL 36502
Let us show our love for our former leaders who have served us well.]
In the experience I felt that I waded down to the Jordan River. I expected to cross over and hear Andre Crouch sing, "To God Be The Glory."
But God in His providence decided I was not ready to cross Jordan. Therefore, I traveled back to the land of the living and now I can listen to Wiley Clark sing, "When He Was On The Cross, I was On His Mind."
I am involved in several weeks of recovery. I would appreciate it if you would mention me in your prayers.
I love you a lot.
Leon Stewart
Hugh: Hope you are doing well with your pacemaker.
[Editor's Comment: Just a soon as I got this email, dictated to Miss Donna, and composed on the computer keyboard, I called their home in Atmore, Alabama. I talked with Miss Donna, Bishop Stewart's wife. Bishop Stewart is not taking phone calls at present. He is very weak and Miss Donna is his spokesman or should I say, Spokeswoman?
I ask you to join me and a multitude of IPHC folks and friends of our denomination to lift up our former Bishop Leon O. Stewart in prayer for his complete and full healing.
We believe that all healing is of God. The Church’s healing ministry in no way detracts from the gifts God gives through medicine and surgery. It is no substitute for either medicine or the proper care of one’s health. Rather, it adds to our total resources for wholeness.
Let me share one Scripture verse on healing from the Bible: 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24, “May God Himself, the God Who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One Who called you is completely dependable. If He said it. He will do it! (The Message, Eugene H. Peterson).
You may wish to send a card or letter of encouragement to Bishop Stewart. Miss Donna needs our prayers as well. We all face crises in our lives with accompanying anxiety and stress. Therefore, we need to pray one for another.
Here is the mailing address:
Bishop and Mrs. Leon O. Stewart
1112 Fridge Drive
Atmore, AL 36502
Let us show our love for our former leaders who have served us well.]