"But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words will be condemned." (Matthew 12: 36,37, NIV Zondervan). The footnote, "Jesus reminds us that what we say reveals what is in our hearts. What kind of words come from your mouth?... You must allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with new attitudes and motives; then your speech will be cleansed at its source." (1674).
This passage has been part of my daily prayer "ritual" for years. It has always typically only meant for me "bad" language. However, this day I read something written by a minister that opened up to Linda and me an entirely new and profoundly deeper meaning. If you are a reader of my Chronicles, who lends no credence to spiritual warfare, demonic influence in your life, or the strength of your words as to their potential effect in power to be brought to fruition, then read no further.
If you are still with me, then allow me to quote from a book titled The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance by Randy Clark, D. Min., a minister we personally heard at a conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee several years ago. Clark, no relation, has ministered extensively in all parts of the world to tens of thousands. He wrote,
"A curse is an evil appeal for harm to come to someone. Many of us are unaware that words of criticism or condemnation spoken to or about another can actually curse that person. When we speak against someone, we open a door for the demonic to exercise their legal right to attach to that person's life. Something said in anger or frustration can set in motion forces in the supernatural that have the potential to do great harm. Most people are unaware of this dynamic until they come under teaching that brings it to light. This is one category of curses." (80).
Linda and I began to discuss and reflect on the implications of this throughout our past lives. We give great plausibility to this spiritual teaching. We began to consider all the times in our lives when we had spoken negatively of family members, children, friends, or just anyone with whom we had come in contact. It was quite sobering indeed to recognize the possible harm we had done to others much less the spiritual failure we had committed ourselves. If we belief Scripture, and especially the words of Jesus, which are these in Matthew, and we do, it will indeed be a part of our future judgment. We do not know how we can undo ill effects of our past careless words, but we are cognizant from here forward of this truth. We requested forgiveness for those past words and requested God in the Name of Jesus to break any past or ongoing negative impacts in those lives.
Not to make light of all this, but we did have a laugh when jointly we said, "This spiritual truth has ruined our day." But, it will not again. Now we know better!
This passage has been part of my daily prayer "ritual" for years. It has always typically only meant for me "bad" language. However, this day I read something written by a minister that opened up to Linda and me an entirely new and profoundly deeper meaning. If you are a reader of my Chronicles, who lends no credence to spiritual warfare, demonic influence in your life, or the strength of your words as to their potential effect in power to be brought to fruition, then read no further.
If you are still with me, then allow me to quote from a book titled The Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance by Randy Clark, D. Min., a minister we personally heard at a conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee several years ago. Clark, no relation, has ministered extensively in all parts of the world to tens of thousands. He wrote,
"A curse is an evil appeal for harm to come to someone. Many of us are unaware that words of criticism or condemnation spoken to or about another can actually curse that person. When we speak against someone, we open a door for the demonic to exercise their legal right to attach to that person's life. Something said in anger or frustration can set in motion forces in the supernatural that have the potential to do great harm. Most people are unaware of this dynamic until they come under teaching that brings it to light. This is one category of curses." (80).
Linda and I began to discuss and reflect on the implications of this throughout our past lives. We give great plausibility to this spiritual teaching. We began to consider all the times in our lives when we had spoken negatively of family members, children, friends, or just anyone with whom we had come in contact. It was quite sobering indeed to recognize the possible harm we had done to others much less the spiritual failure we had committed ourselves. If we belief Scripture, and especially the words of Jesus, which are these in Matthew, and we do, it will indeed be a part of our future judgment. We do not know how we can undo ill effects of our past careless words, but we are cognizant from here forward of this truth. We requested forgiveness for those past words and requested God in the Name of Jesus to break any past or ongoing negative impacts in those lives.
Not to make light of all this, but we did have a laugh when jointly we said, "This spiritual truth has ruined our day." But, it will not again. Now we know better!