It often seems that I am writing to a silent and unresponsive reading audience, i. e., with regard to what I write. It is similar to the radio ministry God gave me for many years as a pastor. Like the sower of wheat seed Jesus talked about, I keep sowing and hope that the Word of God will fall on good soil.
However, in recent days, those who are subscribers are responding to the articles we are publishing through Hugh's News.
This past Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. I wanted to give testimony to my belief in the Baptism with or in the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised His disciples that He would give them. This essential gift to give us power to witness is a gift from the Father and Son. Jesus is the Baptizer with or in the Holy Spirit.
The following is a wonderful, heartfelt response from a man who was a member of the church I pastored in Richmond--the First Pentecostal Holiness Church:
Dear Brother Morgan,
I'm sitting here at my 2nd job, really missing worship, celebrating that today is Pentecost.
The Lord impressed upon me to visit your website, what a blessing, I am thankful for the Anointed teaching I received after reading your sermon for today. God bless,
Louis Beck
However, in recent days, those who are subscribers are responding to the articles we are publishing through Hugh's News.
This past Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. I wanted to give testimony to my belief in the Baptism with or in the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised His disciples that He would give them. This essential gift to give us power to witness is a gift from the Father and Son. Jesus is the Baptizer with or in the Holy Spirit.
The following is a wonderful, heartfelt response from a man who was a member of the church I pastored in Richmond--the First Pentecostal Holiness Church:
Dear Brother Morgan,
I'm sitting here at my 2nd job, really missing worship, celebrating that today is Pentecost.
The Lord impressed upon me to visit your website, what a blessing, I am thankful for the Anointed teaching I received after reading your sermon for today. God bless,
Louis Beck