It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. This passage from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens could easily apply to us right now. We are living in an age of contrasts as well. We seem to be on the verge of achieving utopia from our advancements in technology, biotechnology and we are on the verge of destroying Earth, and all of us with it.
You only need to read a few magazine or newspapers to come away with both conclusions.
The future is always described with superlatives--it's either going to be horrible or really amazing. So which is it? Which will it be, the best of times or the worst of times? I believe that it will be both.
I believe it will be worst of times for the earth, but the best of times for the Children of God. I believe that Christ is about to come like a thief in the night.
Skeptics will point out that "the end is near" has always been a common theme of nut-cases, bearded prophets and street-corner preachers. But the recent increase of scientific community's assertion of humankind's imminent end is what is so unusual and agreed upon.
I know we cannot know the day or hour the Lord is coming and the end of the world occurs, but we can know the season that leads to it. It should not surprise us that many non-Christians may be able to detect the season as well. When David's army heard the rustling in the top of the trees, it was time to move out and conquer. I believe we are hearing the rustling in the top of the trees and we are about to move out as well. The Old Farmer says, "It is later than it's ever been before."
Years before 9/11 several pastors were invited to have dinner with David Wilkerson at his church located in the heart of Times Square in New York City. That evening the ministers met at a restaurant atop a skyscraper in downtown Manhattan. From the restaurant, the view was spectacular, surrounded by windows, and the city shimmered with lights as far as the eye could see. Wilkerson asked the men to look carefully around at all the buildings. He wanted them to tell him what they thought was the common thread. Numerous comments ensued, but none had given Wilkerson the answer for which he was asking.
He eventually asked, "Can't you see? This American city is now owned by foreign investors and foreign nations." He pointed out that among the curses of Deuteronomy 20 is a warning. If God's people break His statutes, commandments, and judgments, the Almighty would allow the stranger, or foreigner, to rise higher in the land, eventually bringing His own people lower.
Is it possible that America, the greatest nation on the face of the earth, beginning with 13 colonies and expanding into 50 states, is on the brink of economic, moral and spiritual decline? Are we moving down the same economic road as the ancient Imperial Roman Empire? Today, for the first time in modern history, American cities, such as Detroit, have filed bankruptcy, unable to meet their obligations. Nearly 50% of American works while the other 50% must receive various entitlements to eat, live, and function. Remove those entitlements, and America will go under quickly.
Secular CNBC Program
I watched a dialog of one senator and two of the top advisors to major companies in the US and they all agreed that the economy is about to hit a major catastrophe. They said that major corporations are doing what many individuals are doing in this country--they are hoarding and stock piling money, because they see what is on the horizon. If you opened your newspaper tomorrow and the head lines read, "Stock Market Crashes,"or "China makes recall on its loans," or "WalMart closes another 2000 stores," you will say, "I don't believe any of that is possible."
Pastor Jack Matthews, who pastored a Church of God in Wrens, Georgia, had a member in his church called Mary Rouse. She was a 98-year-old faithful church member who had married a Methodist minister and her occupation was a school-teacher. But her spiritual calling was a prayer intercessor, spending hours each day in prayer. Years ago Mary had been in prayer, then a dream she had of President Eisenhower in a late-night, secret meeting. It was at the White House with the head of Turkey and another foreign national, discussing disturbances in the Middle East. The Lord told her the president was going to sign a secret agreement with these two nations and it would be the wrong decision. Mary, this simple praying woman, contacted an operator at the White House. She began explaining to the operator her warning. She went on to all to tell how the president was in a secret meeting, and then revealed in great detail the conversations occurring in the secret meeting. Shortly thereafter, the federal agents were at Mary's home asking her how she obtained her information. Her insight was so detailed that at first she was accused of being a "Turkish Spy." After a lengthy interrogation, the agents realized Mary's information really had come in prayer. The revelation was passed along to Eisenhower, changing his plans to sign the secret agreement. Even the local paper published the information of the government's visit to Mary. Mary had cards that President Eisenhower's wife had sent to her, thanking her for her prayers.
Prior to 1960, Mary had a dream about the future. She predicted the next president would be a Catholic. And so it was--President Kennedy. Later she saw in a dome of the White House in Washington covered with blackbirds with padlocks in their mouths. The Lord spoke to Mary about a time coming where there would be an attempt to place a padlock on every Protestant church in America. Remember, this is before 1960, and at that time such an occurrence seemed almost impossible in fact, many Christians probably would've laughed at the idea that individuals in high places would attempt such a feat. Yet, since that time, America has become a post-Christian nation as pure Christianity is declining in interest and Biblical truth is sinking in a cesspool of unbelief. Today a very liberal, anti Christian spirit manipulates the minds of many individuals in our nation.
In Mary's dream the birds were sitting on the White House dome at 1600 Pennsylvania with padlocks in their beaks. The implication is whatever future laws are passed, they must be approved by the elected official living in that house before becoming law.
The padlocks in the mouths of the birds illustrate attempts to silence the mouths of ministers, whose voices are used to proclaim the Gospel. Before anything major transpires in the earth, there is always a forerunner.
E William Branham was one of the leading ministers in the wave of healing revivals that erupted in America in the 40s and 50s. There has never been anyone, other than Jesus himself, that operated in the Word of knowledge more powerful that this man. You could go to YouTube and pull up some of his services and it will amaze you at the accuracy of this man's words in pinpointing people's problems. In June 1933 as he was preparing to teach a SS lesson in Jefferson, IN, just before he stood to minister, the Lord revealed to him 7 consecutive open visions that would come to pass before the return of Christ. Most have already been fulfilled and some are yet to come.
1. The first vision Brother Branham saw was that of a man named Benito Mussolini, the Italian dictator, would establish a fascist state in Italy and invade Ethiopia. Thirty months later the vision came to pass. Branham said the dictator would have a horrible death and his people would spit on his corpse. This was fulfilled on April 28, 1945 (12 years later) when the people seized the dictator at an airport attempting to escape to Switzerland. He was hung upside and and spit upon by his own people!
2. In the second vision he saw an Australian man named Hitler rising in Germany and saw numerous American lives lost in a war with Germany which Roosevelt would declare after his election for a fourth term. We know that all of this happened, but this prediction was made in 1933.
3. The third vision revealed three major "isms." Fascism, Naziism and communism. He predicted that the first two would come to naught, but communism would flourish. We know that has surely come to pass.
4. The fourth vision predicted advancement in technology right after the war. He saw automobiles shaped like eggs and a car with a plastic looking bubble on top being run by a remote control. The driver turned and began playing games with the folks in the back seat. This was predicted in 1933 and today this type of car has been invented. Self driving automobiles are now being developed for the future. Many of you have vehicles with DVD screens in the back where kids play games or watch videos. This technology did not exist until over 65 years after Branham's vision.
5. In the 5th vision, he also witnessed a moral decay of women in America that they would cut their hair and adopt the clothing of men. We know that this did not begin until WWII. He then saw where women were stripped almost naked, merely covering themselves with tiny aprons about the size of a fig leaf. What he was seeing was the wearing of bikinis that was unheard of in his day!
6. The 6th vision involved a woman rising in power in the US. Here is his exact quote: "remember, in that day before He comes (before He comes), that a woman, now you all keep this written down--there will be a powerful woman raise up, either to be president, or dictator, or some great powerful woman in the US. And she (America) will sink under the influence of women. Thirty-one (31) years later, on July 26, 1964, Branham remarked in a sermon: "the morals of our women are going to fall in such degraded things till they're going to be a disgrace to all nations. I see a woman stand in the US like a great queen or something--and she was beautiful to look at, but she was wicked in her heart. She made America's step go to her step. According to his vision, America will morally and spiritually sink during this time of this woman's season of authority.
7. In the last and seven visions Branham saw a great explosion destroy the entire land, leaving the US smoldering and in ruins. He commanded that as far as his eyes could see, he saw craters and smoking piles of debris.
David Wilkerson received a series of warnings in his book "set the trumpet by mouth." He says, "America is going to be destroy by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, in one hour, a hydrogen Holocaust will engulf America, and this nation will be no more."
Later he wrote, "an attack from Russia and the great Holocaust follows an economic collapse of America. The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless. America will not repent."
In March 2009, Wilkerson gave a final warning before he passed away. "An earth shattering calamity is about to happen. It is going to be so frightening, we are all going to tremble, even the godly among us. Major cities all across America will experience riots in blazing fires such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles years ago. There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting."
Why were properties sold in Acts 4 and the money distributed to the needy and the poor within the church? The answer could be in the statement Jesus made in Matthew Chapters 23 & 24. Jesus warned that the temple would be destroyed and that believers would need to flee out of the city and not return to their houses. With this advanced warning, believer begin selling their property knowing that in a future time, within one generation the property would be useless when the siege and destruction of the city occurred. They were given ample time of about 40 years to sell their possessions and leave the city before Jerusalem's destruction, and settled on the other side of the Jordan River in a community called Pella. Most warning dreams or visions are revealed to give believers time to plan, prepare and make wise decisions before it is too late.
In Acts 11 a prophet named Barnabas predicted a global famine, giving believers time to organize financially for the churches in Judea. When a national crisis is on the horizon, God gives people time to repent and turn to Him. Christ predicted the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, which did occur, about 40 years after his prediction in Matthew Chapters 23 and 24. Jeremiah warned his generation that the Babylonians were coming and the city would be in ruins, His warnings continued for 23 years until finally the Babylonians sent an army the Jews could not overpower.
Elijah warned Jezebel that the dogs would eat her. The prophet disappeared from the world scene and Jezebel (10 years later) thought God forgot the prediction when he commanded this evil queen to be thrown over the wall where wild dogs fulfilled Elijah's prophecy.
Revelation 13:1-3: John graphically describes the beast in a grotesque composite as the same for animals that Daniel saw in his prophecy in Daniel 7. John tells us that the body of the beast is like a leopard. The leopard is the one beast with colors representing the three major races of mankind. Its coat of brown like the Asians, It’s stomach of white like the Caucasians and its spots are back, the color of the Africans. Just as the leopard is a multinational, multiracial representation, the Antichrist will be an international figure. He will bring all peoples of the world together under his dynamic leadership.
That is except one group: Christians
John said, "It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them." The Antichrist will control this world through economics. Revelation 13:16 tells us that everyone in the world will have to receive a mark in his forehead or in his right hand. Today when you present your credit or debit card to pay a purchase of the card is declined, you have no option but to leave your goods behind unless you have another way to pay. During the tribulation the scanners will be able to read people's data from the implanted chip as they are in the checkout line. If there is no implanted chip, there will be no sale/purchase.
President Obama and the Affordable Care Act:
Every American president enters the Oval Office with the intent of doing something substantial to build a historical legacy that will go down in the annals of time with their name forever attached to it.
For Harry Truman: it was supporting a new homeland for the Jewish state of Israel. For Jimmy Carter, it was the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. For Ronald Reagan, it was the collapse of the communism in Europe and the demise of the Iron Curtain. For George Herbert Walker Bush, it was the liberation of Kuwait from the invasion of Saddam Hussein. For Bill Clinton, it was the recovery of the economy and balancing the budget. For George W Bush, it was his war on terror in his stand to defeat our enemies on their own soil instead of fighting them here in America. For Barack Obama, he made no bones about it, for out of his own mouth he said, "Health care will be my legacy, so don't mess with it."
Minister and two visitors:
In the middle of the health care debate, a minister was traveling by air from Pensacola to Orlando, Florida. Having ministered to the point of exhaustion, he had hoped to rest the entire flight. But he found himself sitting next to a colonel in the US military, and seated on the other side was a doctor who also served on one of the nation's medical boards. The doctor struck up a conversation with the minister and he began to explain that he was on his way to a major meeting in Orland to talk about the health care bill and the new medical implant device.
The preacher suddenly perked up! He began inquiring about this "implantable medical device." The doctor told him that one reason the administration was determined to pass this legislation as soon as possible was so the plans for implantable devices could advance to the next new medical implant device.
The doctor explained the government had been working for many years on this chip implant, but certain blood types can accept the implant, causing slight complications. They have been working for years to ensure that all blood types can accept the implant. This particular doctor believes the challenges have not been met the doctor also mentioned that the implantation would be done in hospitals since people trust their local, personal doctors. The projected time frame is around 2018.
Most people do not know that on pages 1502 - 1510 in the bill alludes to medical devices that can be used for surveillance, including storing electronic records. On page 1502, there is mention of a national medical registry and farther in the section details of a device that can be implantable. The bill also mentions that these medical devices should be implanted within 36 months of enacting the bill! (Side note: This past May, three years was up!)
Before Joe Biden was the vice president, he was a senator from Delaware. While speaking at the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Chief Justice Roberts, Biden asked the very odd question. He asked future Chief Justice Roberts if he would rule against a mandatory implantable microchip, to track America's citizens, warning Roberts that he would have to address the issue during his tenure if approved for the Supreme Court.
While ministering near Cincinnati Ohio, Perry Stone said the pastor related to him that a couple of the church had a son working for a major barge-shipping company out of Missouri. Homeland security contacted the company. They were told every employee was required to have a chip implanted in the right hand. Those with a chip would be the only ones allowed on the barges. The son of this Christian couple felt that in the implant of the right hand was too much like the warning mentioned in Revelation 13. He told his boss that he would not receive this device. They threaten to terminate him from his job. They finally reached a compromise, and he was permitted to carry a card. The card cost $800 and had a small, gold, square full chip, holding information on the back of the card.
The company Technews Daily reported that an agency had spent $50,000 in setting up a system for head start students to use these tags in tracking children at school. Wired Magazine and WorldNetDaily reported that a California school used $115,000 in stimulus to have children embedded with RFID chips to trace their movements. The selling point was that it would save 3000 hours of dealing with attendance records.
Some time ago a large company in Canada was requiring all of its employees to implant a small chip in the right hands that would trace them. It would be used when boys were checking in and out, opening and closing doors and tracking their whereabouts. Three Pentecostal believers worked with this company and told leadership they would not be implanted for religious reasons. After a court case, the three were permitted to be given a special card, instead of the embedded chip.
The Washington Post reported that the house of delegates in Virginia were scheduled to vote on a bill that would protect Virginians from attempts by employers or insurance companies to implant microchips of their bodies against their will.
Jesus said, "Like the lightning shines from the east to the west" 182,000 miles per second. (Another side note--In the blinking of an eye--that is mighty fast!! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!).
[Editor's Comment: Darrel Blankenship is the pastor of Springs of Praise World Outreach Center in Crystal Springs, MS. It is a Pentecostal Holiness Church. Brother Blankenship has been the pastor there for 41 years. I am grateful to Mary Burchett of Oklahoma City for sending me a copy of the manuscript of this prophetic message in a Word document. Mary is the wife of the Rev. Dr. Dwight Burchett a noted pastor, conference leader, and a former president of Southwestern Christian University. Mary gave me the telephone number for Brother Blakenship so I could call and get his permission to publish his message. I found Brother Blankenship to be a kind and gentle man. I had met him years ago when I was president of Southwestern College, now Southwestern Christian University. He told me that his recently departed wife was an avid fan and reader of Hugh's News. I know Darrel Blankenship's son, Jason Blankenship. He worked in Evangelism USA and helped me when I was director/endorser of IPHC Chaplains Ministries with my website and other administrative things I needed done. His work was excellent.
At the close of the General Conference in Dallas, Jason graciously took the time to drive Melvine, Greg, and me to the Dallas International Airport to meet our American Airlines Flight. Jason is now pastoring the Purcell Pentecostal Holiness Church in Purcell, OK, and it is growing and prospering under his pastoral leadership. Of course, we know the Holy Spirit is doing it through Jason and that great congregation of God's people. As you read this message search the Scriptures to validate this message given to us by Brother Blankenship.]
You only need to read a few magazine or newspapers to come away with both conclusions.
The future is always described with superlatives--it's either going to be horrible or really amazing. So which is it? Which will it be, the best of times or the worst of times? I believe that it will be both.
I believe it will be worst of times for the earth, but the best of times for the Children of God. I believe that Christ is about to come like a thief in the night.
Skeptics will point out that "the end is near" has always been a common theme of nut-cases, bearded prophets and street-corner preachers. But the recent increase of scientific community's assertion of humankind's imminent end is what is so unusual and agreed upon.
I know we cannot know the day or hour the Lord is coming and the end of the world occurs, but we can know the season that leads to it. It should not surprise us that many non-Christians may be able to detect the season as well. When David's army heard the rustling in the top of the trees, it was time to move out and conquer. I believe we are hearing the rustling in the top of the trees and we are about to move out as well. The Old Farmer says, "It is later than it's ever been before."
Years before 9/11 several pastors were invited to have dinner with David Wilkerson at his church located in the heart of Times Square in New York City. That evening the ministers met at a restaurant atop a skyscraper in downtown Manhattan. From the restaurant, the view was spectacular, surrounded by windows, and the city shimmered with lights as far as the eye could see. Wilkerson asked the men to look carefully around at all the buildings. He wanted them to tell him what they thought was the common thread. Numerous comments ensued, but none had given Wilkerson the answer for which he was asking.
He eventually asked, "Can't you see? This American city is now owned by foreign investors and foreign nations." He pointed out that among the curses of Deuteronomy 20 is a warning. If God's people break His statutes, commandments, and judgments, the Almighty would allow the stranger, or foreigner, to rise higher in the land, eventually bringing His own people lower.
Is it possible that America, the greatest nation on the face of the earth, beginning with 13 colonies and expanding into 50 states, is on the brink of economic, moral and spiritual decline? Are we moving down the same economic road as the ancient Imperial Roman Empire? Today, for the first time in modern history, American cities, such as Detroit, have filed bankruptcy, unable to meet their obligations. Nearly 50% of American works while the other 50% must receive various entitlements to eat, live, and function. Remove those entitlements, and America will go under quickly.
Secular CNBC Program
I watched a dialog of one senator and two of the top advisors to major companies in the US and they all agreed that the economy is about to hit a major catastrophe. They said that major corporations are doing what many individuals are doing in this country--they are hoarding and stock piling money, because they see what is on the horizon. If you opened your newspaper tomorrow and the head lines read, "Stock Market Crashes,"or "China makes recall on its loans," or "WalMart closes another 2000 stores," you will say, "I don't believe any of that is possible."
Pastor Jack Matthews, who pastored a Church of God in Wrens, Georgia, had a member in his church called Mary Rouse. She was a 98-year-old faithful church member who had married a Methodist minister and her occupation was a school-teacher. But her spiritual calling was a prayer intercessor, spending hours each day in prayer. Years ago Mary had been in prayer, then a dream she had of President Eisenhower in a late-night, secret meeting. It was at the White House with the head of Turkey and another foreign national, discussing disturbances in the Middle East. The Lord told her the president was going to sign a secret agreement with these two nations and it would be the wrong decision. Mary, this simple praying woman, contacted an operator at the White House. She began explaining to the operator her warning. She went on to all to tell how the president was in a secret meeting, and then revealed in great detail the conversations occurring in the secret meeting. Shortly thereafter, the federal agents were at Mary's home asking her how she obtained her information. Her insight was so detailed that at first she was accused of being a "Turkish Spy." After a lengthy interrogation, the agents realized Mary's information really had come in prayer. The revelation was passed along to Eisenhower, changing his plans to sign the secret agreement. Even the local paper published the information of the government's visit to Mary. Mary had cards that President Eisenhower's wife had sent to her, thanking her for her prayers.
Prior to 1960, Mary had a dream about the future. She predicted the next president would be a Catholic. And so it was--President Kennedy. Later she saw in a dome of the White House in Washington covered with blackbirds with padlocks in their mouths. The Lord spoke to Mary about a time coming where there would be an attempt to place a padlock on every Protestant church in America. Remember, this is before 1960, and at that time such an occurrence seemed almost impossible in fact, many Christians probably would've laughed at the idea that individuals in high places would attempt such a feat. Yet, since that time, America has become a post-Christian nation as pure Christianity is declining in interest and Biblical truth is sinking in a cesspool of unbelief. Today a very liberal, anti Christian spirit manipulates the minds of many individuals in our nation.
In Mary's dream the birds were sitting on the White House dome at 1600 Pennsylvania with padlocks in their beaks. The implication is whatever future laws are passed, they must be approved by the elected official living in that house before becoming law.
The padlocks in the mouths of the birds illustrate attempts to silence the mouths of ministers, whose voices are used to proclaim the Gospel. Before anything major transpires in the earth, there is always a forerunner.
E William Branham was one of the leading ministers in the wave of healing revivals that erupted in America in the 40s and 50s. There has never been anyone, other than Jesus himself, that operated in the Word of knowledge more powerful that this man. You could go to YouTube and pull up some of his services and it will amaze you at the accuracy of this man's words in pinpointing people's problems. In June 1933 as he was preparing to teach a SS lesson in Jefferson, IN, just before he stood to minister, the Lord revealed to him 7 consecutive open visions that would come to pass before the return of Christ. Most have already been fulfilled and some are yet to come.
1. The first vision Brother Branham saw was that of a man named Benito Mussolini, the Italian dictator, would establish a fascist state in Italy and invade Ethiopia. Thirty months later the vision came to pass. Branham said the dictator would have a horrible death and his people would spit on his corpse. This was fulfilled on April 28, 1945 (12 years later) when the people seized the dictator at an airport attempting to escape to Switzerland. He was hung upside and and spit upon by his own people!
2. In the second vision he saw an Australian man named Hitler rising in Germany and saw numerous American lives lost in a war with Germany which Roosevelt would declare after his election for a fourth term. We know that all of this happened, but this prediction was made in 1933.
3. The third vision revealed three major "isms." Fascism, Naziism and communism. He predicted that the first two would come to naught, but communism would flourish. We know that has surely come to pass.
4. The fourth vision predicted advancement in technology right after the war. He saw automobiles shaped like eggs and a car with a plastic looking bubble on top being run by a remote control. The driver turned and began playing games with the folks in the back seat. This was predicted in 1933 and today this type of car has been invented. Self driving automobiles are now being developed for the future. Many of you have vehicles with DVD screens in the back where kids play games or watch videos. This technology did not exist until over 65 years after Branham's vision.
5. In the 5th vision, he also witnessed a moral decay of women in America that they would cut their hair and adopt the clothing of men. We know that this did not begin until WWII. He then saw where women were stripped almost naked, merely covering themselves with tiny aprons about the size of a fig leaf. What he was seeing was the wearing of bikinis that was unheard of in his day!
6. The 6th vision involved a woman rising in power in the US. Here is his exact quote: "remember, in that day before He comes (before He comes), that a woman, now you all keep this written down--there will be a powerful woman raise up, either to be president, or dictator, or some great powerful woman in the US. And she (America) will sink under the influence of women. Thirty-one (31) years later, on July 26, 1964, Branham remarked in a sermon: "the morals of our women are going to fall in such degraded things till they're going to be a disgrace to all nations. I see a woman stand in the US like a great queen or something--and she was beautiful to look at, but she was wicked in her heart. She made America's step go to her step. According to his vision, America will morally and spiritually sink during this time of this woman's season of authority.
7. In the last and seven visions Branham saw a great explosion destroy the entire land, leaving the US smoldering and in ruins. He commanded that as far as his eyes could see, he saw craters and smoking piles of debris.
David Wilkerson received a series of warnings in his book "set the trumpet by mouth." He says, "America is going to be destroy by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, in one hour, a hydrogen Holocaust will engulf America, and this nation will be no more."
Later he wrote, "an attack from Russia and the great Holocaust follows an economic collapse of America. The enemy will make its move when we are weak and helpless. America will not repent."
In March 2009, Wilkerson gave a final warning before he passed away. "An earth shattering calamity is about to happen. It is going to be so frightening, we are all going to tremble, even the godly among us. Major cities all across America will experience riots in blazing fires such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles years ago. There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting."
Why were properties sold in Acts 4 and the money distributed to the needy and the poor within the church? The answer could be in the statement Jesus made in Matthew Chapters 23 & 24. Jesus warned that the temple would be destroyed and that believers would need to flee out of the city and not return to their houses. With this advanced warning, believer begin selling their property knowing that in a future time, within one generation the property would be useless when the siege and destruction of the city occurred. They were given ample time of about 40 years to sell their possessions and leave the city before Jerusalem's destruction, and settled on the other side of the Jordan River in a community called Pella. Most warning dreams or visions are revealed to give believers time to plan, prepare and make wise decisions before it is too late.
In Acts 11 a prophet named Barnabas predicted a global famine, giving believers time to organize financially for the churches in Judea. When a national crisis is on the horizon, God gives people time to repent and turn to Him. Christ predicted the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, which did occur, about 40 years after his prediction in Matthew Chapters 23 and 24. Jeremiah warned his generation that the Babylonians were coming and the city would be in ruins, His warnings continued for 23 years until finally the Babylonians sent an army the Jews could not overpower.
Elijah warned Jezebel that the dogs would eat her. The prophet disappeared from the world scene and Jezebel (10 years later) thought God forgot the prediction when he commanded this evil queen to be thrown over the wall where wild dogs fulfilled Elijah's prophecy.
Revelation 13:1-3: John graphically describes the beast in a grotesque composite as the same for animals that Daniel saw in his prophecy in Daniel 7. John tells us that the body of the beast is like a leopard. The leopard is the one beast with colors representing the three major races of mankind. Its coat of brown like the Asians, It’s stomach of white like the Caucasians and its spots are back, the color of the Africans. Just as the leopard is a multinational, multiracial representation, the Antichrist will be an international figure. He will bring all peoples of the world together under his dynamic leadership.
That is except one group: Christians
John said, "It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them." The Antichrist will control this world through economics. Revelation 13:16 tells us that everyone in the world will have to receive a mark in his forehead or in his right hand. Today when you present your credit or debit card to pay a purchase of the card is declined, you have no option but to leave your goods behind unless you have another way to pay. During the tribulation the scanners will be able to read people's data from the implanted chip as they are in the checkout line. If there is no implanted chip, there will be no sale/purchase.
President Obama and the Affordable Care Act:
Every American president enters the Oval Office with the intent of doing something substantial to build a historical legacy that will go down in the annals of time with their name forever attached to it.
For Harry Truman: it was supporting a new homeland for the Jewish state of Israel. For Jimmy Carter, it was the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. For Ronald Reagan, it was the collapse of the communism in Europe and the demise of the Iron Curtain. For George Herbert Walker Bush, it was the liberation of Kuwait from the invasion of Saddam Hussein. For Bill Clinton, it was the recovery of the economy and balancing the budget. For George W Bush, it was his war on terror in his stand to defeat our enemies on their own soil instead of fighting them here in America. For Barack Obama, he made no bones about it, for out of his own mouth he said, "Health care will be my legacy, so don't mess with it."
Minister and two visitors:
In the middle of the health care debate, a minister was traveling by air from Pensacola to Orlando, Florida. Having ministered to the point of exhaustion, he had hoped to rest the entire flight. But he found himself sitting next to a colonel in the US military, and seated on the other side was a doctor who also served on one of the nation's medical boards. The doctor struck up a conversation with the minister and he began to explain that he was on his way to a major meeting in Orland to talk about the health care bill and the new medical implant device.
The preacher suddenly perked up! He began inquiring about this "implantable medical device." The doctor told him that one reason the administration was determined to pass this legislation as soon as possible was so the plans for implantable devices could advance to the next new medical implant device.
The doctor explained the government had been working for many years on this chip implant, but certain blood types can accept the implant, causing slight complications. They have been working for years to ensure that all blood types can accept the implant. This particular doctor believes the challenges have not been met the doctor also mentioned that the implantation would be done in hospitals since people trust their local, personal doctors. The projected time frame is around 2018.
Most people do not know that on pages 1502 - 1510 in the bill alludes to medical devices that can be used for surveillance, including storing electronic records. On page 1502, there is mention of a national medical registry and farther in the section details of a device that can be implantable. The bill also mentions that these medical devices should be implanted within 36 months of enacting the bill! (Side note: This past May, three years was up!)
Before Joe Biden was the vice president, he was a senator from Delaware. While speaking at the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Chief Justice Roberts, Biden asked the very odd question. He asked future Chief Justice Roberts if he would rule against a mandatory implantable microchip, to track America's citizens, warning Roberts that he would have to address the issue during his tenure if approved for the Supreme Court.
While ministering near Cincinnati Ohio, Perry Stone said the pastor related to him that a couple of the church had a son working for a major barge-shipping company out of Missouri. Homeland security contacted the company. They were told every employee was required to have a chip implanted in the right hand. Those with a chip would be the only ones allowed on the barges. The son of this Christian couple felt that in the implant of the right hand was too much like the warning mentioned in Revelation 13. He told his boss that he would not receive this device. They threaten to terminate him from his job. They finally reached a compromise, and he was permitted to carry a card. The card cost $800 and had a small, gold, square full chip, holding information on the back of the card.
The company Technews Daily reported that an agency had spent $50,000 in setting up a system for head start students to use these tags in tracking children at school. Wired Magazine and WorldNetDaily reported that a California school used $115,000 in stimulus to have children embedded with RFID chips to trace their movements. The selling point was that it would save 3000 hours of dealing with attendance records.
Some time ago a large company in Canada was requiring all of its employees to implant a small chip in the right hands that would trace them. It would be used when boys were checking in and out, opening and closing doors and tracking their whereabouts. Three Pentecostal believers worked with this company and told leadership they would not be implanted for religious reasons. After a court case, the three were permitted to be given a special card, instead of the embedded chip.
The Washington Post reported that the house of delegates in Virginia were scheduled to vote on a bill that would protect Virginians from attempts by employers or insurance companies to implant microchips of their bodies against their will.
Jesus said, "Like the lightning shines from the east to the west" 182,000 miles per second. (Another side note--In the blinking of an eye--that is mighty fast!! Come quickly, Lord Jesus!).
[Editor's Comment: Darrel Blankenship is the pastor of Springs of Praise World Outreach Center in Crystal Springs, MS. It is a Pentecostal Holiness Church. Brother Blankenship has been the pastor there for 41 years. I am grateful to Mary Burchett of Oklahoma City for sending me a copy of the manuscript of this prophetic message in a Word document. Mary is the wife of the Rev. Dr. Dwight Burchett a noted pastor, conference leader, and a former president of Southwestern Christian University. Mary gave me the telephone number for Brother Blakenship so I could call and get his permission to publish his message. I found Brother Blankenship to be a kind and gentle man. I had met him years ago when I was president of Southwestern College, now Southwestern Christian University. He told me that his recently departed wife was an avid fan and reader of Hugh's News. I know Darrel Blankenship's son, Jason Blankenship. He worked in Evangelism USA and helped me when I was director/endorser of IPHC Chaplains Ministries with my website and other administrative things I needed done. His work was excellent.
At the close of the General Conference in Dallas, Jason graciously took the time to drive Melvine, Greg, and me to the Dallas International Airport to meet our American Airlines Flight. Jason is now pastoring the Purcell Pentecostal Holiness Church in Purcell, OK, and it is growing and prospering under his pastoral leadership. Of course, we know the Holy Spirit is doing it through Jason and that great congregation of God's people. As you read this message search the Scriptures to validate this message given to us by Brother Blankenship.]