C. I. Scofield, saved at thirty-six
In his book, Agents of Babylon, Dr. David Jeremiah tells a story about the conversion of the noted Bible scholar and teacher Dr. C. I. Scofield when he was thirty-six. Although I have used Scofield Bibles for many years, I was not aware of this story. Therefore, I felt it important to share this story with you that Dr. David Jeremiah tells his book about the end times recorded in the Book of Daniel.
“Dr. C. I. Scofield , editor of the famous Scofield Study Bible, was a brilliant lawyer whose career was marred by alcoholism until his conversion at age thirty-six. He went on to become a great Bible student, pastor, evangelist, and missionary advocate. He once gave this testimony based on the story of Daniel in the lion’s den.”
“Shortly after I was saved, I passed the window of a store in St. Louis where I saw a painting of Daniel in the lion’s den. That great man of faith, with his hands behind his back, and those beasts circling him, was looking up . . . As I stood there, great hope flooded my heart. Only a few days had passed since I, a drunken lawyers, had been converted; and no one had yet told me anything about the keeping power of Jesus Christ. I thought to myself, there are lions all about me too, such as my old habits and sins. But the One Who shut the lions’s mouths for Daniel can also shut them for me! I knew that I could not win the battle in my own strength. The painting made me realize that while I was weak and helpless, my God was strong and able. He had saved me, and now He would deliver me from the wild beasts in my life. O what a rest of spirit that truth brought me.”
“As Christians living in a fallen world, we can expect the lions of temptations and opposition to snarl all around us. But when we put our trust in “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5), we need never fear any of them. The God Who delivered Daniel is the God Who is able to deliver those who, like Daniel, believe in their God” (pages 78, 79, Study Guide, Agents of Babylon, What the Prophecies of Daniel Tell Us about the End of Days.)
In his book, Agents of Babylon, Dr. David Jeremiah tells a story about the conversion of the noted Bible scholar and teacher Dr. C. I. Scofield when he was thirty-six. Although I have used Scofield Bibles for many years, I was not aware of this story. Therefore, I felt it important to share this story with you that Dr. David Jeremiah tells his book about the end times recorded in the Book of Daniel.
“Dr. C. I. Scofield , editor of the famous Scofield Study Bible, was a brilliant lawyer whose career was marred by alcoholism until his conversion at age thirty-six. He went on to become a great Bible student, pastor, evangelist, and missionary advocate. He once gave this testimony based on the story of Daniel in the lion’s den.”
“Shortly after I was saved, I passed the window of a store in St. Louis where I saw a painting of Daniel in the lion’s den. That great man of faith, with his hands behind his back, and those beasts circling him, was looking up . . . As I stood there, great hope flooded my heart. Only a few days had passed since I, a drunken lawyers, had been converted; and no one had yet told me anything about the keeping power of Jesus Christ. I thought to myself, there are lions all about me too, such as my old habits and sins. But the One Who shut the lions’s mouths for Daniel can also shut them for me! I knew that I could not win the battle in my own strength. The painting made me realize that while I was weak and helpless, my God was strong and able. He had saved me, and now He would deliver me from the wild beasts in my life. O what a rest of spirit that truth brought me.”
“As Christians living in a fallen world, we can expect the lions of temptations and opposition to snarl all around us. But when we put our trust in “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5), we need never fear any of them. The God Who delivered Daniel is the God Who is able to deliver those who, like Daniel, believe in their God” (pages 78, 79, Study Guide, Agents of Babylon, What the Prophecies of Daniel Tell Us about the End of Days.)