Dear Hugh, I sent this email to several of our intercessors early this morning in response to the one-man terrorist attack only 5-minutes walk from our home here in London. Thought I'd see if you wanted to share it with Hugh's News readers.
I am crying out to God tonight in this way: "Oh Lord, awaken Your church to pray! Help us draw near to You, cast off fear, and arise in victory and power!"
That was at 3 a.m. Then my phone pinged a message. A bloody, one-man, terrorist attack at our local tube station (underground railroad). Only a 10-minute walk from my house. Nothing to compare to the scale of recent incidents, but scale is also measured by proximity!
Here's the BBC link: Click Here to read the story.
No physical armour nor weaponry will be sufficient to put this enemy down. It is a demonically inspired, religious frenzy of bloodshed. I appeal to you to pray. The church must revive her life of prayer! Use Scriptures such as Psalm 91 and 27, and Acts 4 vs 23-36 to guide you.
This is meant to be the church's finest hour. It is NOT time to hide nor hoard. It is time to cry out to God for Holy boldness, for God to stretch forth His hand working miracles of healing and salvation. The enemy is the spirit of fear. It's a killer. It's the terror by night referenced in Psalm 91. Only perfect love casts out fear. That's not pity. Not sympathy. Not love of man. It's a nearness to God. It is His love. We must let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Our faith and intimacy with God must arise in our personal lives and in our fellowship. That is only realized by renewing our prayer life and intentional worship. Those outside of fellowship won't stand a chance. Nominal believers will fall into deception. Churches in broken, disjointed condition, of any size, will be picked off easily. Victory and blessing in our times will require prayers of agreement and corporate spiritual warfare and a much higher level than typically experienced. The focus is Jesus. Worship becomes more intense and more joyful while prayers become more clear, strategic, and fierce.
The fear of rejection, which keeps most from going public with the Gospel, will become polarized. Holy joyful boldness is needed and required for such a time as this.
The politicians of our day are clueless. We must pray for Divine wisdom to invade their dreams, because most refuse to acknowledge God in their wakeful hours. Political correctness has ramped up from curious to silly to laughable to a doctrine of deception. We must combat this by speaking the Gospel truth with simple clarity.
This age of terrorism has been ushered in by the weak and compromised condition of the church and individual believers. It's the cycle of the Old Testament church playing out in our day: people becoming casual and carnal during affluent, peaceful times allowing the enemies of God to creep in, capture and kill and enslave until God raised up another deliverer. And the enemies of the O.T. "church" were literally the same nations where terrorism is incubated today!
Pray. Repent of the least little compromise. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Then step out in victory and obedience to Christ's call on your life!
Harold & Kathleen Presley
World Missions Ministries
IPHC, UK & NW Europe
[Editor's Comment: We are grateful to Harold Presley for this timely new report of Terrorism in his neighborhood in London. Harold did his summer internship with me for 12 weeks when I was the senior pastor of Good Shepherd Pentecostal Holiness Church in Birmingham.
that internship came between Harold's junior and senior year at Emmanuel College in the School of Christian Ministries. He and Kathleen are doing a great work for the Lord and the IPHC in London (UK) and Northwest Europe. Melvine and I have made a faith promise commitment to them of $50 for one year. Earlier this year, I made an appeal to help them with their monthly missionary support. Our missionaries are sent out by our church and we must support them to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel to all nations and people groups. The Gospel includes divine healing through the stripes of Jesus: "Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by Whose stripes ye were healed" (1 Peter 2:24, KJV).
I want to personally thank all of you who responded to the financial need of Harold and Kathleen Presley. I know that some of you gave to wipe out their $5,000 deficit in their account. God has supernaturally healed Kathleen. We want to continue to praise the Lord for this miracle of healing.
I believe that God specializes in things thought impossible, and He can do for you and me what no other power can do.]
I am crying out to God tonight in this way: "Oh Lord, awaken Your church to pray! Help us draw near to You, cast off fear, and arise in victory and power!"
That was at 3 a.m. Then my phone pinged a message. A bloody, one-man, terrorist attack at our local tube station (underground railroad). Only a 10-minute walk from my house. Nothing to compare to the scale of recent incidents, but scale is also measured by proximity!
Here's the BBC link: Click Here to read the story.
No physical armour nor weaponry will be sufficient to put this enemy down. It is a demonically inspired, religious frenzy of bloodshed. I appeal to you to pray. The church must revive her life of prayer! Use Scriptures such as Psalm 91 and 27, and Acts 4 vs 23-36 to guide you.
This is meant to be the church's finest hour. It is NOT time to hide nor hoard. It is time to cry out to God for Holy boldness, for God to stretch forth His hand working miracles of healing and salvation. The enemy is the spirit of fear. It's a killer. It's the terror by night referenced in Psalm 91. Only perfect love casts out fear. That's not pity. Not sympathy. Not love of man. It's a nearness to God. It is His love. We must let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Our faith and intimacy with God must arise in our personal lives and in our fellowship. That is only realized by renewing our prayer life and intentional worship. Those outside of fellowship won't stand a chance. Nominal believers will fall into deception. Churches in broken, disjointed condition, of any size, will be picked off easily. Victory and blessing in our times will require prayers of agreement and corporate spiritual warfare and a much higher level than typically experienced. The focus is Jesus. Worship becomes more intense and more joyful while prayers become more clear, strategic, and fierce.
The fear of rejection, which keeps most from going public with the Gospel, will become polarized. Holy joyful boldness is needed and required for such a time as this.
The politicians of our day are clueless. We must pray for Divine wisdom to invade their dreams, because most refuse to acknowledge God in their wakeful hours. Political correctness has ramped up from curious to silly to laughable to a doctrine of deception. We must combat this by speaking the Gospel truth with simple clarity.
This age of terrorism has been ushered in by the weak and compromised condition of the church and individual believers. It's the cycle of the Old Testament church playing out in our day: people becoming casual and carnal during affluent, peaceful times allowing the enemies of God to creep in, capture and kill and enslave until God raised up another deliverer. And the enemies of the O.T. "church" were literally the same nations where terrorism is incubated today!
Pray. Repent of the least little compromise. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Then step out in victory and obedience to Christ's call on your life!
Harold & Kathleen Presley
World Missions Ministries
IPHC, UK & NW Europe
[Editor's Comment: We are grateful to Harold Presley for this timely new report of Terrorism in his neighborhood in London. Harold did his summer internship with me for 12 weeks when I was the senior pastor of Good Shepherd Pentecostal Holiness Church in Birmingham.
that internship came between Harold's junior and senior year at Emmanuel College in the School of Christian Ministries. He and Kathleen are doing a great work for the Lord and the IPHC in London (UK) and Northwest Europe. Melvine and I have made a faith promise commitment to them of $50 for one year. Earlier this year, I made an appeal to help them with their monthly missionary support. Our missionaries are sent out by our church and we must support them to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel to all nations and people groups. The Gospel includes divine healing through the stripes of Jesus: "Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by Whose stripes ye were healed" (1 Peter 2:24, KJV).
I want to personally thank all of you who responded to the financial need of Harold and Kathleen Presley. I know that some of you gave to wipe out their $5,000 deficit in their account. God has supernaturally healed Kathleen. We want to continue to praise the Lord for this miracle of healing.
I believe that God specializes in things thought impossible, and He can do for you and me what no other power can do.]