At the very bottom of every Hugh's News you will see a button that reads, "Add Us To Our Address Book." Clicking this button adds our newsletter address to your local list. That can, sometimes, allow mail through that would otherwise be blocked.
I have been informed that that those of you who are using a webmail provider such as AOL, Yahoo, or Hotmail, that these providers deliver mail in small batches which can sometimes result in emails taking up to 24 hours to be delivered to your email account.
My webmaster, Mel Tinney, who resides in Pepin, WS, is working diligently to make sure you are getting Hugh's News in a timely manner. If you are having difficulties or any problems, please contact me personally at my email: [email protected], and I will inform Mel about it. We consider every subscriber and reader to be a valuable person, and we want to meet you needs by keeping Hugh's News coming to your email address.
I have been informed that that those of you who are using a webmail provider such as AOL, Yahoo, or Hotmail, that these providers deliver mail in small batches which can sometimes result in emails taking up to 24 hours to be delivered to your email account.
My webmaster, Mel Tinney, who resides in Pepin, WS, is working diligently to make sure you are getting Hugh's News in a timely manner. If you are having difficulties or any problems, please contact me personally at my email: [email protected], and I will inform Mel about it. We consider every subscriber and reader to be a valuable person, and we want to meet you needs by keeping Hugh's News coming to your email address.