Jean Morris Clark, who was married to the Rev. Mr. Wiley Clark for 61 years, died suddenly and unexpectedly on Tuesday, January 19, 2016, at 4:14. She was 81 years old, and would have been 82 in February of this year.
I am grateful to Glen Carter who resides in Fayetteville, NC, for sending me the news about Jean's untimely death. Glen has been sending me jokes in recent months. I need all the help I can get to produce Hugh's News.
I called Wednesday morning and talked with Steve Clark, Wiley and Jean's youngest son. Then, I talked for a while to Wiley. He has begun the grief process. He greatly misses Jean in their home in Falcon, NC. She did not join him for a cup of coffee in the kitchen and to talk together as she had for so many years. They enjoyed reading Hugh's News and have been great supporters of Hugh's News for many years.
I am grateful to Karen Lucas who sent the photos, and to Mel Tinney, my webmaster, who resides in Pepin, WS, for sizing the photos. It takes a team to produce this newsletter.
I am grateful to Glen Carter who resides in Fayetteville, NC, for sending me the news about Jean's untimely death. Glen has been sending me jokes in recent months. I need all the help I can get to produce Hugh's News.
I called Wednesday morning and talked with Steve Clark, Wiley and Jean's youngest son. Then, I talked for a while to Wiley. He has begun the grief process. He greatly misses Jean in their home in Falcon, NC. She did not join him for a cup of coffee in the kitchen and to talk together as she had for so many years. They enjoyed reading Hugh's News and have been great supporters of Hugh's News for many years.
I am grateful to Karen Lucas who sent the photos, and to Mel Tinney, my webmaster, who resides in Pepin, WS, for sizing the photos. It takes a team to produce this newsletter.

I met Jean Clark at Emmanuel College in the fall of 1952. We were assigned seats alphabetically for chapel services that was in Taylor Memorial Chapel. There we were . . . three bright and promising students in the prime of life who sat side by side: Hugh Morgan, Jean Clark, and Billy Ray Nash.
What a delight it was to sit next to these remarkable students. Jean loved life and had a fantastic sense of humor. She enjoyed laughing and her laughter was contagious. Whenever she laughed she had a wheeze in her chest that added to her delightful personality. We enjoyed guest speakers and one day, Mr. Erby Shaw brought Oral Roberts to our campus and he spoke to us in chapel. Oral was bigger than life. Little did we know that one day Billy Ray Nash would work for Oral Roberts in his radio and television ministry. And of course, we never knew that Jean would marry Wiley Clark, a gifted lead singer, preacher, pastor, and church leader. Wiley attended and graduated from Holmes Bible College. Melvine, my wife, was in school with him. She remembers Wiley singing in a male trio. Wiley Clark succeeded Karl Bunkley as president of the Sunday School for the Pentecostal Holiness Church. Wiley served a number of years in Christian Education for the IPHC.
When I was president of Southwestern College, now renamed Southwestern Christian University, our families attended Muse Memorial Church just across the street from our college campus. Melvine, Jean and Wiley sang in the choir. Melvine was in a ladies' Bible study group with Jean and remembers how much fun Jean was, as well as being a Christian who loved to study the Bible and had deep spiritual roots in her faith in Christ Jesus. Jean was one of three daughters of the Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Morris. All three girls learned to play the piano.
Here are the funeral arrangements:
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Culbreth Memorial Auditorium at Falcon, NC
Visitation and Viewing 12:30 to 1:45 p. m.
Service 2 p. m.
Burial at Falcon Cemetery
What a delight it was to sit next to these remarkable students. Jean loved life and had a fantastic sense of humor. She enjoyed laughing and her laughter was contagious. Whenever she laughed she had a wheeze in her chest that added to her delightful personality. We enjoyed guest speakers and one day, Mr. Erby Shaw brought Oral Roberts to our campus and he spoke to us in chapel. Oral was bigger than life. Little did we know that one day Billy Ray Nash would work for Oral Roberts in his radio and television ministry. And of course, we never knew that Jean would marry Wiley Clark, a gifted lead singer, preacher, pastor, and church leader. Wiley attended and graduated from Holmes Bible College. Melvine, my wife, was in school with him. She remembers Wiley singing in a male trio. Wiley Clark succeeded Karl Bunkley as president of the Sunday School for the Pentecostal Holiness Church. Wiley served a number of years in Christian Education for the IPHC.
When I was president of Southwestern College, now renamed Southwestern Christian University, our families attended Muse Memorial Church just across the street from our college campus. Melvine, Jean and Wiley sang in the choir. Melvine was in a ladies' Bible study group with Jean and remembers how much fun Jean was, as well as being a Christian who loved to study the Bible and had deep spiritual roots in her faith in Christ Jesus. Jean was one of three daughters of the Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Morris. All three girls learned to play the piano.
Here are the funeral arrangements:
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Culbreth Memorial Auditorium at Falcon, NC
Visitation and Viewing 12:30 to 1:45 p. m.
Service 2 p. m.
Burial at Falcon Cemetery