The current new Chief of Chaplains, Major General Dondi Costin has placed an emphasis on AF Chaplains sharing their stories in ministry.
As a result, Chaplain, Major Chad Bellamy was selected by the Resource Development Center to video film his story for promotion to the rank of lieutenant colonel.
I have viewed Chad's video and felt in my spirit you need to see what Chad is doing as one of our IPHC chaplains. Not only is he leading men and women to Jesus Christ, he is bringing people together to bring humanitarian aid to people in other countries who need food. I have prepared hyperlink for you so you will know what God is doing through Air Force Chaplain, Major Chad Bellamy. Click here to see the video that will be in his packet for promotion.
Chaplain Chad Bellamy said "It is amazing what God can do with a small idea when people are brought together on a mission to help other people in great need."
[Editor's comment: Chaplain Chad Bellamy is currently the Wing Chaplain, 24th Special Operations Wing, Hurlburt Field, Florida. In July Chad will begin a one-year resident military professional education in the Air Force Air Command and Staff College at the Air Force University at Maxwell Air Force, Base, Montgomery, Alabama. Chad's family will remain in Florida during the year so that Parker can finish high school with his friends. What a noble thing this is, and as we approach Father's Day, we commend Chad for his love for his oldest son. Chad, Jeri, Parker, Daisy, and Asher will need our prayers.]
As a result, Chaplain, Major Chad Bellamy was selected by the Resource Development Center to video film his story for promotion to the rank of lieutenant colonel.
I have viewed Chad's video and felt in my spirit you need to see what Chad is doing as one of our IPHC chaplains. Not only is he leading men and women to Jesus Christ, he is bringing people together to bring humanitarian aid to people in other countries who need food. I have prepared hyperlink for you so you will know what God is doing through Air Force Chaplain, Major Chad Bellamy. Click here to see the video that will be in his packet for promotion.
Chaplain Chad Bellamy said "It is amazing what God can do with a small idea when people are brought together on a mission to help other people in great need."
[Editor's comment: Chaplain Chad Bellamy is currently the Wing Chaplain, 24th Special Operations Wing, Hurlburt Field, Florida. In July Chad will begin a one-year resident military professional education in the Air Force Air Command and Staff College at the Air Force University at Maxwell Air Force, Base, Montgomery, Alabama. Chad's family will remain in Florida during the year so that Parker can finish high school with his friends. What a noble thing this is, and as we approach Father's Day, we commend Chad for his love for his oldest son. Chad, Jeri, Parker, Daisy, and Asher will need our prayers.]