What in the world is that? ("50 CC Diaper Run")
“Coast to Coast” motorcycle ride from Jacksonville, FL to San Diego, CA in 50 hours.
When? November 2-4, 2015.
Why would people do something that crazy?
A ride to collect diapers and raise awareness for the Royal Home and IPHC’s commitment to “LIFE” rather than abortion!
Mission:M25 is teaming up with the Royal Home in Falcon, NC, to make a statement of our positive approach to such a terrible law in our land.
Presiding Bishop Doug Beacham has taken our stand to a new level in the past two years by going personally to Washington, DC to stand in the March for Life. Bishop Tommy McGhee from Discipleship Ministries, last year joined us as we stood, making a statement of our level of commitment to “Life." Bishop Chris Thompson and EVUSA is standing with Mission:M25 in this endeavor to promote “Life” in our country. Mr. Joey Leggett, Director of the Falcon Children’s Home which gives oversight to the Royal Home, supported the stand the last two years. Last year he contracted a bus company to bring supporters and some of the young ladies to the march. Mission: M25 had a group of motorcycles ride up the day before to carry our banner, 50 For Life, which listed supporters of “Life” on it.
Mission:M25 also had folks standing in Dallas, TX, and San Francisco, CA, for the “Life” rallies.
This backdrop has motivated a new level of awareness and fund raising. Bishop Beacham and Bishop McGhee will participate on the Diaper Run ride as we will stop approximately every 150 miles for fuel, to load diapers and hug some necks before we take off again.
The ride is approximately 2,350 miles across Interstate 10 & Interstate 8. Several churches have committed to "hosting" a stop and making sure the diapers and donations are collected. We will pull out of Jacksonville, FL, at 6 a. m. on November 2, 2015, and arrive in San Diego, CA, no later than 8 a. m. on November 4. You can participate in this Diaper Run by meeting us at one of the stops listed below:
Click on this hyperlink: M25_Diaper_Run_Stops.pdf
If you would like to participate but cannot get to a "diaper stop," we encourage you to send a donation to support the cause. Please mail contributions to Royal Home Ministry, PO Box 128, Falcon, NC 28342.
The ride is open to anyone desiring to make the trip and is sanctioned by the Iron Butt Association, so riders who would like to "earn a patch" will be able to do so.
For more information please visit the Royal Home Ministries Facebook page or call Gary Burd (806) 670-9669; Mark Richardson (252) 431-4675 or Gary Whaley (919) 738-3170.
[Editor's Comment: Hugh's News has promoted the ministry of Gary Burd from day one. I have invested the resources God has given me in Gary when this ministry was just on the drawing board. However, the vision was in the heart and mind of Gary and we affirm that vision.
I traveled twice to Amarillo, TX, to meet with Gary and Dr. Ronald W. Carpenter, Sr, when he was the Executive Director of Evangelism USA and Chairman of IPHC Chaplains Ministries Board. God used Bishop James McDowell, superintendent of the Heartland Conference to convince Dr. Carpenter that Mission: M25 should have its own ministry. Both of these dynamic leaders are now in heaven. However their legacy lives on.
I want you to know that Gary Burd is for real. He is no phony. He is the real thing. His ministry has taken him to serve multitudes of people outside the four walls of the church.
He goes to places where Angels fear to go to reach the disenfranchised and outcasts with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is remembering the people that the Apostle Paul talks about in the Book of Acts in chapter 20, when he met with the elders of Ephesus who came down to Miletus. Here is how Paul described the ministry that Gary Burd is carrying out in the 21st Century:
Acts 20:35
I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the Words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
When you invest in the ministry of Gary Burd and in Royal Home Ministries you are investing in the Kingdom of God and by so doing you are laying up treasures in heaven.
I believe in Gary Burd and his ministry.]
“Coast to Coast” motorcycle ride from Jacksonville, FL to San Diego, CA in 50 hours.
When? November 2-4, 2015.
Why would people do something that crazy?
A ride to collect diapers and raise awareness for the Royal Home and IPHC’s commitment to “LIFE” rather than abortion!
Mission:M25 is teaming up with the Royal Home in Falcon, NC, to make a statement of our positive approach to such a terrible law in our land.
Presiding Bishop Doug Beacham has taken our stand to a new level in the past two years by going personally to Washington, DC to stand in the March for Life. Bishop Tommy McGhee from Discipleship Ministries, last year joined us as we stood, making a statement of our level of commitment to “Life." Bishop Chris Thompson and EVUSA is standing with Mission:M25 in this endeavor to promote “Life” in our country. Mr. Joey Leggett, Director of the Falcon Children’s Home which gives oversight to the Royal Home, supported the stand the last two years. Last year he contracted a bus company to bring supporters and some of the young ladies to the march. Mission: M25 had a group of motorcycles ride up the day before to carry our banner, 50 For Life, which listed supporters of “Life” on it.
Mission:M25 also had folks standing in Dallas, TX, and San Francisco, CA, for the “Life” rallies.
This backdrop has motivated a new level of awareness and fund raising. Bishop Beacham and Bishop McGhee will participate on the Diaper Run ride as we will stop approximately every 150 miles for fuel, to load diapers and hug some necks before we take off again.
The ride is approximately 2,350 miles across Interstate 10 & Interstate 8. Several churches have committed to "hosting" a stop and making sure the diapers and donations are collected. We will pull out of Jacksonville, FL, at 6 a. m. on November 2, 2015, and arrive in San Diego, CA, no later than 8 a. m. on November 4. You can participate in this Diaper Run by meeting us at one of the stops listed below:
Click on this hyperlink: M25_Diaper_Run_Stops.pdf
If you would like to participate but cannot get to a "diaper stop," we encourage you to send a donation to support the cause. Please mail contributions to Royal Home Ministry, PO Box 128, Falcon, NC 28342.
The ride is open to anyone desiring to make the trip and is sanctioned by the Iron Butt Association, so riders who would like to "earn a patch" will be able to do so.
For more information please visit the Royal Home Ministries Facebook page or call Gary Burd (806) 670-9669; Mark Richardson (252) 431-4675 or Gary Whaley (919) 738-3170.
[Editor's Comment: Hugh's News has promoted the ministry of Gary Burd from day one. I have invested the resources God has given me in Gary when this ministry was just on the drawing board. However, the vision was in the heart and mind of Gary and we affirm that vision.
I traveled twice to Amarillo, TX, to meet with Gary and Dr. Ronald W. Carpenter, Sr, when he was the Executive Director of Evangelism USA and Chairman of IPHC Chaplains Ministries Board. God used Bishop James McDowell, superintendent of the Heartland Conference to convince Dr. Carpenter that Mission: M25 should have its own ministry. Both of these dynamic leaders are now in heaven. However their legacy lives on.
I want you to know that Gary Burd is for real. He is no phony. He is the real thing. His ministry has taken him to serve multitudes of people outside the four walls of the church.
He goes to places where Angels fear to go to reach the disenfranchised and outcasts with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is remembering the people that the Apostle Paul talks about in the Book of Acts in chapter 20, when he met with the elders of Ephesus who came down to Miletus. Here is how Paul described the ministry that Gary Burd is carrying out in the 21st Century:
Acts 20:35
I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the Words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
When you invest in the ministry of Gary Burd and in Royal Home Ministries you are investing in the Kingdom of God and by so doing you are laying up treasures in heaven.
I believe in Gary Burd and his ministry.]