October is Pastor Appreciation Month; a time for all congregations within the IPHC to formally recognize the work and ministry of their spiritual leaders.
The theme for Pastor Appreciation 2016 is based on First Corinthians 9:19, “I have made myself a servant to all that I might win the more” (ESV).
As a pastor, an individual pledges himself to three major commitments. These commitments are the hub--the center--of their call. To see a diagram and download a sermon for Pastor Appreciation day, CLICK HERE:
Pastor Appreciation Day is a joint venture between Women’s and Men’s Ministries. Please make a special effort to honor your pastors during the month of October. For resources, please CLICK HERE.
[Editor's Comment: As a former pastor I want you to think about how valuable and profitable your pastor is to you, your family, and community. The first thing you can do for your pastor is to love him and pray for him daily. May I encourage you to be extravagant in your giving to your pastor this month. When we give to our pastor we enhance his leadership and strengthen him to give his very best. God loves a cheerful and generous giver. Make this year of showing your appreciation for your pastor the best ever.]
The theme for Pastor Appreciation 2016 is based on First Corinthians 9:19, “I have made myself a servant to all that I might win the more” (ESV).
As a pastor, an individual pledges himself to three major commitments. These commitments are the hub--the center--of their call. To see a diagram and download a sermon for Pastor Appreciation day, CLICK HERE:
Pastor Appreciation Day is a joint venture between Women’s and Men’s Ministries. Please make a special effort to honor your pastors during the month of October. For resources, please CLICK HERE.
[Editor's Comment: As a former pastor I want you to think about how valuable and profitable your pastor is to you, your family, and community. The first thing you can do for your pastor is to love him and pray for him daily. May I encourage you to be extravagant in your giving to your pastor this month. When we give to our pastor we enhance his leadership and strengthen him to give his very best. God loves a cheerful and generous giver. Make this year of showing your appreciation for your pastor the best ever.]