I am grateful to my late daughter Stephanie Ellen Morgan for teaching me many things about God and how to appropriate the blessings that come from speaking the Word of God Out Loud. She called it, "Giving Voice to the Word of God."
On Saturday, February 20, 2016, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to call your attention to several great hymns of the church, hymns that we too often fail to sing in our churches any more. I did that to emphasis the value of great hymns that are based on the Word of God, and as I have written for this Sunday, February 21, I wanted you to know of my strong belief in the Bible, God's Holy Word.
It is my belief that where God is praised through our singing and worship, the reading of Scripture (as well as responsive Bible reading) and the preaching of the Word of God that we will see a return of signs, wonders and miracles that we used to see in our worship services.
Many people are sick and need divine healing. I want to give you today just one verse of Scripture that may be the key to your healing when you apply it to your own personal need for healing.
This Scripture is recorded or written in Isaiah 57:18 & 19. Let me quote it for you from the New King James Version:
Isaiah 57:18-19
18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him;
I will also lead him,
And restore comforts to him
And to his mourners.
19 "I create the fruit of the lips:
Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,"
Says the LORD,
"And I will heal him."
Twice over God says, I will heal him. Once is enough, but God is so loving, gracious and kind that He will tell you that He will heal you as many times as you need to hear it.
First of all, God says I have seen his ways. God knows all about us both the good and the bad, and He still loves us. He wants to lead you and restore you to health and bring comfort and relief to you. In the midst of it all, He will give you peace about yourself, and assurance that He is healing you. The Holy Spirit makes that truth of Scripture to come alive in you.
Let me recommend that you read these two verse out loud several times and allow the Word to minister to your spirit, soul, and body.
Then, apply this Scripture to yourself by saying.
"I believe that God has seen my ways and knows all about my sickness and need for healing my body, mind, soul and spirit. Then name what you want God to heal. I claim my healing based on Your Word in Isaiah 57, verses 18 and 19." When you speak God's Word over your life, body, soul and spirit, you are releasing the healing power of Jesus to take effect in your life for healing.
In Psalm 107:20, we read, "He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions" (KJV).
It is my sincere prayer that God will grant you wisdom, strength, and glowing health (Daniel 2:23. The Living Bible).
On Saturday, February 20, 2016, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to call your attention to several great hymns of the church, hymns that we too often fail to sing in our churches any more. I did that to emphasis the value of great hymns that are based on the Word of God, and as I have written for this Sunday, February 21, I wanted you to know of my strong belief in the Bible, God's Holy Word.
It is my belief that where God is praised through our singing and worship, the reading of Scripture (as well as responsive Bible reading) and the preaching of the Word of God that we will see a return of signs, wonders and miracles that we used to see in our worship services.
Many people are sick and need divine healing. I want to give you today just one verse of Scripture that may be the key to your healing when you apply it to your own personal need for healing.
This Scripture is recorded or written in Isaiah 57:18 & 19. Let me quote it for you from the New King James Version:
Isaiah 57:18-19
18 I have seen his ways, and will heal him;
I will also lead him,
And restore comforts to him
And to his mourners.
19 "I create the fruit of the lips:
Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,"
Says the LORD,
"And I will heal him."
Twice over God says, I will heal him. Once is enough, but God is so loving, gracious and kind that He will tell you that He will heal you as many times as you need to hear it.
First of all, God says I have seen his ways. God knows all about us both the good and the bad, and He still loves us. He wants to lead you and restore you to health and bring comfort and relief to you. In the midst of it all, He will give you peace about yourself, and assurance that He is healing you. The Holy Spirit makes that truth of Scripture to come alive in you.
Let me recommend that you read these two verse out loud several times and allow the Word to minister to your spirit, soul, and body.
Then, apply this Scripture to yourself by saying.
"I believe that God has seen my ways and knows all about my sickness and need for healing my body, mind, soul and spirit. Then name what you want God to heal. I claim my healing based on Your Word in Isaiah 57, verses 18 and 19." When you speak God's Word over your life, body, soul and spirit, you are releasing the healing power of Jesus to take effect in your life for healing.
In Psalm 107:20, we read, "He sent His Word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions" (KJV).
It is my sincere prayer that God will grant you wisdom, strength, and glowing health (Daniel 2:23. The Living Bible).